
Custom Field Type: Special - Advanced Data Table

7 bytes removed, 18:22, 19 December 2018
Managing Level 2 / 3 Activities with an XML Section
==Managing Level 2 / 3 Activities with an XML a Section==System administrators can configure XML fields this field to add, modify or delete {{l2}} records on a {{l1}} entity or {{l3}} records on a {{l2}} entity.
In the [[XML '''Section Builder]]''', when the ''Number of Rows'' for a Section is set to '0', the ''Enable Mapping'' option will be shown.
When ''Enable Mapping'' is selected, you can choose one type of activities to be referenced by the XML this field.
The ''Activity Status Filter'' setting allows you to filter the activities to be referenced by status.
The ''Additional Filter'' setting allows you to select custom fields and associated values. These are used to filter the existing activities that will be listed within the XMLthis field. The custom fields used have to be those with pre-defined options (e.g. [[Custom Field Type: Select One – Combo Box|Combo box]], [[Custom Field Type: Select Many – Check Boxes|Check Boxes]], [[Custom Field Type: Dynamic Data – Dynamic Control Field|Dynamic Control]], Ajax Lookup).
Smartstaff, administrator