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This category contains articles related to Custom Fields.
A '''Custom Field''' is the basic unit of data storage that you attach to an object such as a [[User|contact]], a [[User Role|role]], an activity type or company.
Many areas in SmartSimple are comprised mainly of custom fields--such fields—such as the Universal Tracking Application--so {{UTA}}—so understanding their proper setup and use is vital in order to create an easy-to-use instance that addresses your organization's needs. There are over 50 field types that you can use to capture and store data; these can be grouped on tabs, or displayed in multiple columns to avoid cluttering the page. The maximum number of custom fields that can be displayed on a single page is 400 total. New fields can be created at any time, without affecting current data.
===Feature Articles===
Custom Fields share many of the same setup options, so we've listed them here. Please see below:
<span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL1@@@" data-bs-name="FieldOptions" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="1"><span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL1@@@" data-bs-name=" FieldOptions" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="1"><span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL1@@@" data-bs-name=" FieldOptions" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="1"><span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL1@@@" data-bs-name=" FieldOptions" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="1"><span class="mceNonEditable template" id="bs_template:@@@TPL1@@@" data-bs-name=" FieldOptions" data-bs-type="template" data-bs-id="1">{{ FieldOptions }}</span></span></span></span></span>
===Types of Custom Fields===
||Special Input
||Create sets of fields that are dependent on a value selected from the Dynamic Dropdown List.
||[[Custom Field Type: Special - Linked Record List]]
||Special Input
||Display a list of linked records inline on the page.
||[[Select One - Dynamic Radio Buttons]]