
Creating SmartConnect Functions

1,565 bytes added, 15:59, 11 October 2018
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'''Action Type '''  -  Get Meta<br />
'''Field List'''  - companies.*
No parameters are needed to retrieve metadata.
'''Action Type '''  -  Get Meta<br />
'''Field List'''  - contacts.*
No parameters are needed to retrieve metadata.
'''Action Type '''  -  Query<br />
'''Field List'''  - 
'''Mandatory field''':<br/>
'''reportid''' - is the [[Determining the reportid|Report ID]] of the [[Report|report]] in the instance.<br/>
=====Create/Update UTA L1 record=====
'''Function Name'''  - Create/update UTA L1 record<br />
'''Description'''  - Create new records or update UTA L1 records<br />
'''Object Type'''  -  Submission Manager - Grant <br />
'''Action Type '''  -  Update<br />
'''Field List'''  - sf_Name;;sf_Type ID;;sf_Status ID;;sf_Company ID;;sf_Person ID;;sf_Owner ID;;sf_Start Date;;sf_End Date;;cf_1523228
Sample 1E
Description - <br />
Mandatory fields to add new records:<br />
recordid - to create new record, recordid should be '0'<br />
sf_Type ID - assigned [[Determining_the_typeid#Level_1_Template|Type ID]] of the new UTA L1 record.<br />
sf_Status ID - assigned [[Determining_the_statusid|Status ID]] of the new UTA L1 record.<br />
--Begin custom parameter --<br />
jsonrset : [{"recordid":"0","sf_Type ID":"20654","sf_Status ID":"25178","sf_Name":"Test 1 Application","sf_Company ID":"1767970","sf_Person ID":"88159402","sf_Owner ID":"3108429","sf_Start Date":"2018-01-01","sf_End Date":"2018-12-31"}]<br />
--End custom parameter--<br />
Sample 1F<br />
Description - To update value of a custom field of an existing UTA L1 record.<br />
Mandatory fields to update existing records:<br />
recordid - is the [[Determining_the_opportunityid|Opportunity ID]] of existing record.<br />
--Begin custom parameter --<br />
jsonrset : [{"recordid":"8276165","cf_1523228":"Change value of this custom field thru API function"}]<br />
--End custom parameter--<br />
====Update Multiple Addresses====