
Custom Field Language Settings

88 bytes removed, 12:47, 1 June 2018
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word-wrap: break-word;">Note: If a custom field does not have an entry for the selected language of the current user, the English language custom field settings will be applied.</pre>
To access the Custom Field Languages Setting page, edit any custom field and click on the ''Language SettingSettings'' button, found next to the Caption option.<br />
The Language Setting screen will show a drop-down listing the language options. Select the language from the drop-down to add a new translation. :[[Image:LanguageSettingListViewArcadia2018.png|700px|border]] The Add Language Settings screen has a '''Language''' drop-down, with Edit options for existing translations and Add options for listed separated from those languages without a translation. Select the language from the drop-down to add a new translation or edit an existing translation.
Once one language setting has been defined, the custom field list view list those languages with language settings definedLanguage Settings screen will include it as one of the '''Existing Translations'''.
This facilitates the implementation of language settings for all custom fields.<br />
Language settings can also be exported from and imported to SmartSimple in [[Translation_Import/Export|XML]] format.
Smartstaff, administrator