
HCAI Overview

1,297 bytes added, 19:44, 3 January 2008
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A service named: '''SmartSimple HCAI Gateway''' has been created to handle requests from various [[SmartSimple]] servers.

This gateway handles all communications between any [[Instance|instances]] of [[SmartSimple]], regardless of the server on which that [[Instance|instance]] is running.

Once the gateway receives a request for an [[Instance|instance]] the following steps are executed:

* Normalizes the data.
* Generates the HCAI compliant date based on the HCAI structure data model.
* Sends the data to HCAI via web service.
* Interprets and sends back appropriate HCAI responses.

=Gateway Infrastructure=

This service runs on a dedicated server managed by [[SmartSimple]] and located in our Montreal data centre. This server is configured as follows:

1. Windows Operating system.

2. .Net Framework and Web Service 2.0 installed.

3. Tomcat Application Server installed to handle request (ticket) from [[SmartSimple]] [[Instance|instances]] and provides various administrative functions.

4. [[SmartSimple]] API Active COM object retrieves encrypted data from [[SmartSimple]] and post back response.

5. The '''SmartSimple Gateway''' [[Application|application]] that submits data to the HCAI server and receives responses from the HCAI server.

[[System Management]][[Category:HCAI]]