

28 bytes removed, 17:48, 15 April 2016
no edit summary
The new features listed below are enhancements to the SmartSimple system and will be immediately available to SmartSimple users upon the application of the upgrade to their server:
===New Currencies Now Supported in the System 911===
40 new currencies have been added to the list of standard system currencies.
:* [[New Currencies Now Supported - Why?|Why?]]
<!-- 42404 - Dynamic List View Filtering -->
===New Annotate Specific Application and Form Fields with Comments 911===
This new features enables organizations who receive applications and forms to add field-level comments for applicants to review and revise. This feature allows organizations to better communicate feedback with applicants by enabling them to add comments to specific fields on submitted applications and forms. This process allows the annotated fields to be editable only.
<!-- 42199 - Revision comments -->
===New Privacy and Confidentiality Hyperlink Added to Login Pages by Default 911===
Privacy is a shared responsibility. This enhancement places a visible '''Privacy & Security''' hyperlink on all login pages. This makes it easier for organizations to communicate their unique privacy, communication and confidentiality responsibilities to their users in a consistent manner. Also added is a centralized place where all privacy, security, and confidentiality policies are documented. Separate policies can be created for individual country and language combinations.
<!-- 35656 - Add date last modified to custom field list view -->
===New Assign Many Objects to Many Objects With the Assignment List View - Phase 1 911===
The '''Assignment List View''' feature adds the ability to assign many objects to many objects. Now assigning one or many contacts, organizations, and even Level 1s (includes Level 2 and 3 records) to one or more Level 1s is a as simple as point and click. Once fully implemented, this enhancement will enable the assignment of many objects (like users, organizations, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3s), to many objects. Phase one of this enhancement (April 2016 Upgrade) will add the ability to attach one or many contacts to Level 1s.
The following features are also available immediately with the application of the upgrade, but must first be enabled or configured by a System Administrator:
===Enhanced Stripe e-Payment Integration 911===
This enhancement furthers the integration with contemporary payments service, Stripe, and builds on the initial beta release in November. The system can now generate a payment form from a Level2 invoice and collect a credit card payment using the Stripe integration.
<!-- 43318 - Stripe Integration -->
===New Create Arcadia X Layouts Using Pre-Made Templates With the Layout Picker 911===
The Arcadia X layout picker enables the point-and-click configuration of portal sections using pre-made templates and the choice of Arcadia X themes and backgrounds. All Arcadia X sections built using the layout picker will be formatted for optimal viewing on a wide rage of devices. For novice users and those not familiar with html, the Arcadia X layout picker provides pre-made templates with various layouts eliminating the need for technical know-how. Arcadia X layouts built using the layout picker are responsive by default, making them accessible on devices with different screen sizes and resolutions.
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]
<!-- 40243 - Role Permission for Submit button -->
===Data Packaging and Data Exchange Enhancements 911===
This enhancement is the first in a multi-year platform enhancement aimed at creating a data exchange structure that can be used to package Instance configurations, UTA configurations, and other data. For the April 2016 upgrade, UTA packaging and unpackaging is available. This meta data exchange enhancement allows UTA data to be extracted from an instance, packaged, and then loaded / installed into another instance with minimal effort. The benefits of this feature is wide ranging including, quick and easy storage and archiving, the ability to easily restore UTA's data, sharing of configured UTA's between similar organizations, and much more.
:* [[Why?]] | [[How]]