
Contact and Account Standard Fields

1,489 bytes added, 14:02, 5 June 2019
See Also
==Account Standard Fields==
'''Example:'''1. Go to Global Settings - Organizations - Standard Fields.{| border="0"|:[[Image:BranchStandardFields2.png|link=|600px]]|The following account standard fields are available:*Associations
*Address 2
*Company Workflow
*Company Workflow
*Created By
*Created Date
*Primary Contact ''(note: Primary Contact field will only be visible once a new account record has been saved)''
*Profile Image(linked to a "Display Only - Image" custom field)*Related Companies
*State / Province
*Updated By
*User Workflow
*Web Site
*Zip / Postal Code
|}*Activity List*Credit Limit*Outstanding Amount*Work In Progress*Taxable
==Contact Standard Fields==
'''Example:'''1. Go to Global Settings - Users - Standard Fields.{| border="0"|:[[Image:UserStandardFields2.png|link=|600px]]|The following contact account standard fields are available:
*Resume File
*Access Type
*Address 2
*First Name
*Last Name
*Last Updated
*Middle Name
*Phone Ext.
*Primary Contact
*Profile Image(linked to a "Display Only - Image" custom field)
*State / Province
*User Role*User TypeUpdated By
*Zip / Postal Code
|}*Activity List
==Permissions & Availability==
===Visibility Condition===
*Whether or not the Standard Field is visible can be controlled using conditional statements in this box.
:*''See [[Visibility Condition]] for more information.''
===Edit Condition===
*Whether or not the Standard Field is treated as read-only or not can be controlled using conditional statements in this box.
:*''See [[Edit Condition]] for more information.''
===[[Role Field Permissions|Role - Field Permissions]]===
These [[Role Field Permissions|settings]] allow you to control by [[Role]] who is allowed to view and/or modify the field.
===[[Status Field Permissions|Status - Field Permissions]]===
These [[Status Field Permissions|settings]] allow you to control by the [[Status]] of the record whether or not the field can be viewed and/or modified.
===[[Category Type - Field Availability]]===
These settings allow you to control by the [[Client Categories|category]] of the organization record whether or not the field can be viewed. Only available against organization specific fields.
===[[Role Type - Field Availability]]===
These settings allow you to control by the [[User Role|role]] of the user record whether or not the field can be viewed. Only available against user specific fields.
* [[Making Company Standard Fields Mandatory]]
* [[Making Company Mandatory for Contact Records]]
* [[User]]
[[Category:Global Settings]][[Category:Contacts]]