
Application Scope Access

170 bytes removed, 14:34, 21 November 2013
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The '''UTA Application Scope Access''' feature on the [[UTA Settings - Settings|Settings]] page of all {{UTAs}} allows you to assign a designated [[Role|role]] to played by a [[User|user]] if for a specific branch or company of a {{l1}} instance is in the list. In other words, you can define implicit permission for a given user to UTA objects without them being explicitly indicated on a record. It also lets you associate the permissions of an individual to those of a particular company.
''Impact'': A [[User|user]] can now see the {{l1}} items of a company based on the [[Security Matrix|matrix permissions]] of the selected [[Role|role]], even if that individual is not assigned to the {{l1}} items.
In the example below, "Rolf Lathrop" has been assigned as a "Manager" of "Abbeville Womens Equality." Rolf can see all of the {{l1}} items belonging to "Abbeville Womens Equality." When he looks at the [[Security Matrix]] items he His access will be restricted by the [[Security Matrix]] permissions of the "Manager" [[Role|role]].
These permissions mean that the [[User|user]] does not have to be directly attached to the {{l1}} item. They do not have to be the [[owner]], assigned or in an associated company in order to see the items.
==Restricted Roles==
When using Application Scope Access - the Lookup for selecting an external company can be restricted by selecting roles in the ''Roles to Restrict Level One Lookup Using Scope Access Settings. You can select the roles to use to access scope settings for what to display in the lookup box for level one items''. This only setting applies to the level one {{l1}} standard field Company lookup (ie. Company), the UTA Contacts tab lookup, and the UTA Companies tab lookup.
''Impact'': When enabled, a user in one of the selected roles that clicks the Lookup button will only see the companies that they are associated with in the Application Scope Access list where they are in the role that has been selected in the role box.
==See Also==