
Configuring a SmartSimple Instance

793 bytes added, 15:34, 19 October 2022
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=Overview=[[Configuration ChecklistSmartSimple]]==is a cloud-based platform that prides itself on its total flexibility; we have highly configurable options for almost every part of our system, so that you can easily tailor your [[instance]] to your company's direct needs as well as your personal preferences. This page will bring you through the general chronological steps for configuring a SmartSimple instance. By the end of it, you will have built the foundations for a system that is designed for your unique business aims. 
The following checklist defines a =Configuration - Essentials===Configuration Checklist==Prior to beginning your configuration, read over this sequence that you should consider when setting up your copy of [[SmartSimple]] prior to giving people (before anyone is given access to into the system:* Configure Organisation Settings – set colour scheme, licensing, backup and terminology).* If required, define These highlight the custom fields required for organisations – add the fields general topics/areas that are configurable and that will help you need to accurately reflect make your business.* Create or upload organisation information for both internal and external organisations – add organisation information to the system.* Define roles an ideal tech solution for people – add the roles people play in the business to accurately reflect your business.* Define any custom fields for roles – add the fields you need to accurately reflect the roles people play in business.* Define or upload "people" - internal or external organisations – add people to the system.* Subscribe to SmartSimple applications – determine the applications required by each group of people.* Give Manager Permission to specific roles – determine which groups of people are responsible for each application and featurecompany.
{| class=="wikitable"|-||'''Configuration Organization Settings'''||Set a [[Branding|colour scheme]], [[License definition|licensing]], [[Backup Server and Testing Instance|backup instance]] and customized [[Organization Terminology|terminology]].|-||'''Custom Fields'''||If required, define the [[Custom Fields]] required for your organizations. These are fields that you might need to accurately reflect your business, but go beyond the standard '''Name, Phone Number, Address '''etc. |-||'''[[Internal]] and [[External]] Organization Information'''||Create or import organization information for the organizations in your system's [[Organization hierarchy|organization hierarchy]]. |-||'''[[Global SettingsUser Role|Roles]]=='''||Define the roles that people play in your business.
[[Global Settings]] '''Example: '''If you are accessed though the [[Configuration Menu|Configuration]]a research-based company serving university grants, Global Settings [[Menu|menu]]. This page contains key global settings in a set of sections. This [[Menu|menu]] and related tabs are only available you might want to system administratorsmake roles labelled '''Peer-Reviewer, ''''''Professor, Departmental Lead '''etc.
1|-||'''[[User]] Imports'''||Define or upload "people" (users/contacts) into their respective substrata of your [[Organization hierarchy|organization hierarchy]]. Click the |-||'''[[Configuration MenuGlobal User Administrator|ConfigurationSystem Administrator]]/Manager Permissions '''||Give high-level permissions to specific roles and choose your {{GUA}}s. Determine which groups of people will be responsible for each application and feature in your SmartSimple copy. |}<pre>Tip: Keep this page open while opening hyperlinks from this page. Although other articles will give more specific instructions for configuring certain features, this page will be helpful by providing a broad sequence of areas required for successful configuration. </pre>==Menu and Global Settings ==If you are a [[MenuGlobal User Administrator|menuSystem Administrator]], you will have access to '''Global Settings. '''Users with SysAdmin permissions will be able to access all functions within the system and to customize roles, security, feature visibilities, etc. Be cautious with who you assign in a SysAdmin role, as their access into the system has the potential to make wide and immediate impact. 
<pre> No matter what, best practice is to test configuration and changes to your system in the Backup Instance prior to modifying the live instance. </pre>* The Global Settings page [[Backup Server and Testing Instance]] will not retain any changes into the live [[instance]]; the backup is displayedoverwritten nightly with that day's production copy. 
This page is organised into a various sections:* [[Branding & Visual Settings]] – how this copy of [[SmartSimple]] will look.* [[Database and File Storage Status]] – count companies and people – plus the ability In order to restore deleted companies or contacts.* [[Login & Security Settings]] – how you wish to control access security.* [[Business Configuration Settings]] – how the properly configure your system should be customized to your specific business needs.* [[ObjectSync Settings]] – provides ability to syncronise companies and [[User|users]] between instances.* [[Branch & Account Settings]] – company [[Sign-Up Pages|signup pages]], [[Custom Field|custom fields]] and NAIC codes.* [[User & Contact Settings]] – user signup pages, custom fields.* [[Association Settings]] – provides ability to link users to more than one company.* [[People Online Settings]] – select the fields that will be displayed when you move your mouse over a user listed in the People online list.<!--* [[Smart Folder]] Settings – if SmartFolders are enabled the amount of space required, and if you require use of the on-line editing features.-->* [[Organisational Terminology]] – the company and people terminology you wish to use in this copy of SmartSimple.* [[Phone Number Format]] – determines the acceptable format for phone numbers.* [[Data Loading & Backup must know where your '''menu icon '''is as well as '''Global Settings]] – controls scheduled data loading and scheduled backups.'''
You can use the '''Quick Link''' combo box at Your menu icon is located on the top right of the your page to move to the specific section without scrolling, and looks like a 9-square icon. 
[[Image:Glob2: {{Icon-Menu}} The '''Global Settings '''area of the system is available under the heading '''Configuration.png]] '''
==See [[Branding & Visual :Category:Global Settings|Global Settings]]==for a full list of the available features in a set of sections. 
These :: [[File:Menu and global settings are used .png|600px|border]]'''Note''': We aim to end support for the '''Classic '''Interface after our upcoming November 2019 Upgrade. For this reason, we encourage all clients to switch to control the overall visual '''Arcadia '''Interface now, and branding settingsto use the '''Arcadia''' Interface configuration options.
==[[Image:Glob3.pngBranding & Visual Settings|Branding]]== 1. Click on the '''Colours & Fonts''' link to review the visual settings* See [[Branding]] for more detailed information. 
==[[Using a Theme]]==As part of the implementation process, SmartSimple or its partners will configure the look and feel of your system for you. Anyone with SysAdmin privileges will then be able to change the branding and visual settings of the system at any time. 
As an alternative to setting your own colours, you can download a colour theme from ====Accessing Branding & Visual Settings====1. Click on the 9-square menu icon on the [[SmartSimple]] wiki and apply that theme to top right of your copypage.
1:: {{Icon-Menu}} 2. Launch a new [[Browser|browser]] windowUnder the heading '''Configuration, '''select '''Global Settings. '''
23. Go to Click onto the second tab, labelled ''''''
3:: [[File:Branding. Type '''Theme''' into png|700px|border]]=====Colors & Styles=====You have the search boxfreedom to adjust the colours and style choices of fonts in your system. All colour settings will affect all users: What a {{GUA}} sees will be the same colours that an applicant sees.
The Page text matches are displayed. See [[Image:Glob4.pngBranding#Colors & Styles|Colors & Styles]] 4. Click on the link for '''Themes'''. The Instructions are listed on the page and the themes listed below the instructions. 5. Follow the instructions on the pagemore. 
=====Login Pages=====
=====Logo, Header, Web Alias and Email Domain=====
==[[Using the Colour Picker]]==
Colours are selected by clicking the colour palette icon to the right of the colour box.
1. Click the '''Colour pallet''' icon next to any setting.
[[Image:Glob51.png]]Click the square icon of a colour next to any branding setting that allows colour change. 
The colour pallet is displayed.
:: [[ImageFile:Glob6html font colour.png|300px|border]] 2. Click the '''Cancel''' button. 
If you need to match colours exactly with your organisation web site, you can view the HTML source of your organisation web page and find the hex codes for “colour”.
Alternatively, you can use a program such as Photoshop to “sample” an image and determine the correct colour.
==[[Login Screen Content]]==
You can further “brand” the login page by creating your own login page.
2. Modify the content as required.
<u>'''Title Type'''</u>
The Title Type defines whether text or a login should be displayed in the top left corner of the main window.
When the organisation first registers, the title text displayed on the top left of the [[SmartSimple]] page is set to the organisation name.
You can define alternative text to be displayed on the login page, and in the top left corner of the SmartSimple main window as an alternate to the image.
==[[Database and File Storage Status]]==
This section displays the current number of Branches ([[Internal|internal]]), Accounts ([[External|external]]), Users ([[Internal|internal]]) and Contact ([[External|external]]) in this [[Instance|instance]] of [[SmartSimple]].
A list of deleted companies/accounts, users/contacts is also displayed. You can review the deleted companies or contacts by clicking on the word “deleted”.
==[[Database and File Storage Status|Storage Summary]]==
:: [[File:Storage summary1.png|900px|border]]
This section displays the current number of Branches ([[Internal|internal]]), Accounts ([[External|external]]), Users ([[Internal|internal]]) and Contact ([[External|external]]) in this [[Instance|instance]] of [[SmartSimple]].
A list of deleted companies/accounts, users/contacts is also displayed. You can review the deleted companies or contacts by clicking on the word “deleted”.
You can then review the list and either restore one or more contact, or purge (permanently delete) from the system.
The total storage used by the instance is calculated by clicking the Re-calculate Storage button.
==[[Login & Security Settings]]==
==[[Security Settings]]==
These setting are used to control system security.
:: [[ImageFile:Glob10Security settings1.png|570px|border]] :: [[File:Security settings2.png|800px|border]]
==[[Password Policy]]==
[[Password Policy]] is used to control the length and complexity of passwords, the number of retries that the [[User|user]] is allowed, and the lockout time for the account if they exceed the number of retries.
1. Click the '''Password PolicyAnd Activation Policies''' link.
The '''Password Policy''' window is displayed.
:: [[ImageFile:Glob11Password and activation policies.png|800px|border]]
The following password settings are available:
'''Complexity''' – the level of complexity required in the [[Password|password]], the options are:
 * '''No Restriction''' – any character can be used. This is the default.
* '''Alpha Only''' – only letters can be used.
* '''Alpha & Numeric''' – letters and numbers must be used in the password.
* '''Alpha & Numeric & Special characters''' – letters, numbers and special characters must be used. The following special characters are allowed:
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } [ ] ; : ' " < > ?
:: [[File:Intruder alert settings.png|700px|border]]
'''Intruder Lockout Settings''' – these settings determine the actions that should be taken if someone attempts to log into your copy of [[SmartSimple]].
* Number of Attempts''' – the number of attempts to log in with an account before the account is locked.
* Lockout Duration''' – the duration of the account lockout. The [[User|user]] will not be able to log in during this period. Period can be set to 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours or forever (until unlocked by [[Administrator|administrator]]).
'''Intruder Email Alert''' – these settings define who should be informed by email if an intruder alert is detected.
 * '''Email From''' – the “from” address for the email. If you do not set this value, the address: '''''' will be used.
* '''Email To''' – select the [[Internal|internal]] person to receive the email.
* '''Subject''' – the subject of the email. See below for the variables that you can use in the subject.
==[[Login & Security Settings|Intruder Log]]==
The '''View Log''' tab is used to access the '''Intruder Alert''' log.
==[[User Email Templates]]==
This '''organisation settings''' page is also used to manage content for the '''default new user''' and '''request password''' emails.
:: [[ImageFile:Glob14Password email template.png|800px|border]] : :* The '''New User''' email message is sent to a [[User|user]] when you enable their access to SmartSimple for the first time.:* The '''Request Password''' email message is sent to a [[User|user]] when they request a new [[Password|password]] from the login page, or when you reset a [[User|user’s]] password in the user details page. 
You can alter the text as required.
==[[Enable SSL (Secure Socket Layer)]]==
Secure Socket Layer ([[SSL]]) is an industry standard encryption technique that encrypts all the information transmitted between the user’s [[Browser|browser]] and the [[SmartSimple]] server.
Anyone intercepting this information over the Internet would be unable to decrypt the information.
1. Click the '''Enable SSL''' check box.
If your organisation is using a dedicated [[SmartSimple]] Server, you will need to purchase an SSL certification for this feature to function.
==[[Login & Security Settings#Web Alias|Setting the Web Alias]]==
The web [[Alias|alias]] defines the prefix to your copy of [[SmartSimple]].
The Web Alias should be set before other [[User|users]] begin to use the system.
==[[Setting an E-mail Domain]]==
Setting the organisation e-mail domain lets [[User|users]] from your organisation domain log in without keying their entire e-mail address.
Users of the system that are not in your email domain must use their full email address to log into [[SmartSimple]].
==[[Session Timeout]]==
 The session timeout feature will automatically log out any [[User|user]] if their session remains inactive for the defined number of minutes.
4. Set the '''Session Timeout''' as required.
We recommend that you always set this option. Generally, 30 or 60 minutes are acceptable timeout periods.
<u>'''Business Configuration Settings'''</u>
The Business Configuration settings provide access to key features to customize personalize this [[Instance|instance]] of [[SmartSimple]] for specific business needs.
==[[Company & Account Settings]]==
==[[ImageCompany & Account Settings|Company & Account Settings]]==:: [[File:Glob21Organization settings.png|850px|border]] : :* '''Branch Custom Fields''' – [[Custom Fields|custom fields]] associated with [[Internal|internal]] companies.:* '''Account Custom Fields''' – [[Custom Fields|custom fields]] associated with [[External|external]] companies.:* '''User and Contact Signup Pages''' – used to manage [[External|external]] web pages where people can register as contacts.:* '''Branch and Account Signup Pages''' – used to manage [[External|external]] web pages where companies can register.:* '''Company Parent''' - enables the display of a parent organisation in the list views throughout the system. This feature is useful if the organisations you deal with are subsidiaries, and you need to be aware of the parent organisations.:* '''Resources''' – displays the company resource tab, only required when using job costing.:* '''NAIC Codes''' - the '''North American Industry Classification System''' (NAICS, pronounced Nakes) was developed as the standard for use by US, Canadian, and Mexican agencies in classifying business establishments. Enable this setting if you wish to track organisations by NAIC codes. You can set two codes for each organisation, a primary and secondary code.
:* '''Display UTA Items''' – displays tracking items from the [[Universal Tracking Application]] associated as a set of tabs on the company record. ==[[User & Contact Settings]]== [[Image:Glob23.png]] * '''User Custom Fields''' – [[Custom Fields|custom fields]] associated with [[Internal|internal]] [[User|users]].* '''Contact Custom Fields''' – [[Custom Fields|custom fields]] associated with [[External|external]] contacts.* '''Default User Settings''' – the default system settings that will be set for each new [[User|user]] or contact.* '''Disable Pre-load People List''' – this option is used to improve performance when you have in excess of 50,000 contacts in your copy of [[SmartSimple]]. Enabling this option will disable the display of contacts in all '''Search People''' pages.* '''Enforce Homepage''' - you can force all [[User|users]] to the same web page when they first log into the system. This feature is useful if you have customers using the system and want to present them with some specific information such as your own organisation web site.* '''Homepage''' – specifies a web page to be used as the homepage.* '''Language''' – the default language for all new [[User|users]].
==[[User & Contact Settings|User & Contact Settings]]==
:: [[File:User settings.png|850px|border]]
:* '''User Custom Fields''' – [[Custom Fields|custom fields]] associated with [[Internal|internal]] [[User|users]].
:* '''Contact Custom Fields''' – [[Custom Fields|custom fields]] associated with [[External|external]] contacts.
:* '''Default User Settings''' – the default system settings that will be set for each new [[User|user]] or contact.
:* '''Disable Pre-load People List''' – this option is used to improve performance when you have in excess of 50,000 contacts in your copy of [[SmartSimple]]. Enabling this option will disable the display of contacts in all '''Search People''' pages.
:* '''Enforce Homepage''' - you can force all [[User|users]] to the same web page when they first log into the system. This feature is useful if you have customers using the system and want to present them with some specific information such as your own organisation web site.
:* '''Homepage''' – specifies a web page to be used as the homepage.
:* '''Language''' – the default language for all new [[User|users]].
Checking this box does not override the home page setting for each [[User|user]], but simply defines the first page they will see when logging in.
==[[Default User Settings]]==
 The default user setting options provide you with a way of controlling the setting each [[User|user]] will have when they first log into the system. We recommend that you set these values before setting up any additional users.
1. Click the '''Default User Settings''' link.
<u>'''Default User – Display Options'''</u>
:* '''Left Navigation Style''' – choose '''Static''' for [[Menu|menus]] that don’t expand or dynamic for [[Menu|menus]] that open and close.:* '''UTA Tabs''' – used to control the presentation of tabbed fields when the [[Universal Tracking Application]] is used.:* '''Font Size''' – choose a larger font size for your view of the system.:* '''Number of Records Per page''' – defines the number of records per page you wish to see when information is displayed as a list. You can choose 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100.:* '''Text Editor''' – enables and disables the Rich Text/HTML Editor.:* '''Publish Pin Board''' – make your personal Pin board visible to other people.:* '''List View Thumbnail Size''' – determines the size of images in reports. 
<u>'''Default User – Regional Settings'''</u>
* '''Input Date Format''' – the individual [[User|user’s]] preferred entry format for date time values.
* '''Input Short Date Time Format''' – the individual [[User|user’s]] preferred short display format for date time values.
* '''Input Long Date Time Format''' – the individual [[User|user’s]] preferred link format for date time values.
* '''Time Difference''' – used to set your local time.
* '''Home Currency''' – the default currency for this [[User|user]]. This currency will be referenced in applications such as [[Sales Tracking]] and Expense Tracking. This currency will be assumed to be the default currency for this user.
* '''Language''' – the language that you wish to use. Currently you can select from seven languages.
* '''Internet Map Service''' – determines the Internet service you wish to use when displaying maps.
:* '''Input Date Format''' – the individual [[User|user’s]] preferred entry format for date time values.
:* '''Input Short Date Time Format''' – the individual [[User|user’s]] preferred short display format for date time values.
:* '''Input Long Date Time Format''' – the individual [[User|user’s]] preferred link format for date time values.
:* '''Time Difference''' – used to set your local time.
:* '''Home Currency''' – the default currency for this [[User|user]]. This currency will be referenced in applications such as [[Sales Tracking]] and Expense Tracking. This currency will be assumed to be the default currency for this user.
:* '''Language''' – the language that you wish to use. Currently you can select from seven languages.
:* '''Internet Map Service''' – determines the Internet service you wish to use when displaying maps.
1. Click the [[Global Settings]] tab to return to the [[Global Settings]] page.
==[[Association Settings]]==
These settings provide the ability to link the same person to any number of organisations.
[[Associates]]/[[Associations]] – enabling this feature will allow you to associate a single contact with multiple companies. The [[Associates]] tab will be displayed in each company record – to show associated people. The [[Associations]] tab will be displayed on each contact record to display the companies that they are associated with.
==[[People Online Settings]]==
These settings control the fields displayed when you mouse over [[User|users]] listed in the people online.
==[[SmartFolder Settings]]==
 These settings are only displayed when you enable the [[Smart Folder]] application.
:* '''On-Line Editing''' – provides [[User|users]] with the ability to open, edit, and save edited files to [[SmartSimple]]. This feature is used in conjunction with a desktop plug-in that must be downloaded and installed in any workstation where you wish to use this feature.:* Size Subscribed – defines the amount of disk storage required for [[Smart Folder|SmartFolders]] – up to 5 GB.
==[[Organisational Terminology]]==
You can define specific terminology for some basic [[SmartSimple]] objects.
These terms relate to both [[Internal|internal]] and [[External|external]] “organisations” – singular and plural and internal and external “users” – singular and plural.
==[[Data Loading & Backup Settings]]==
==[[Data Loading & Backup Settings|Data Loading & Backup Settings]]==
==[[Setting the Number of Licenses Required]]See Also== Before anyone else will be able to log into the system, you will need to increase the number of [[License Definition|licenses]]. 1. Click the '''Licensing''' tab. [[Image:Glob31.png]] * Set the number of [[InternalConfiguration mode]] Licenses to the number of people in your organisation that will be using the system.* Set the number of [[External]] Licenses to the number of people in other organisations that you wish to access your copy of [[SmartSimple]].:* You can adjust the number of licenses at any time. You will not be able to enable [[User|userCustom fields]] accounts if there are insufficient licenses. You will still be able to upload contacts; however, if you attempt to enable their access, you will be warned to increase the number of licenses. If you attempt to upload contacts using the '''Import Wizard''' and enable their access, the upload will fail if there are insufficient licenses. 
[[Category:System Management]][[Category:Global Settings]]
Smartstaff, administrator