
Workflow Task Types

22 bytes added, 14:35, 24 September 2013
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# '''[[Workflow Task Type: Acknowledgement|Acknowledgement]]''' tasks simply generate a message to appropriate [[User|users]].
# '''[[Workflow Task Type: Request for Approval|Request for Approval]]''' tasks generate action requirements that need an approval. These will be displayed in the [[WorkflowRequests]] Request area.# '''[[Workflow Task Type: Request for Comment|Request for Comment]]''' tasks generate comment requirements. These will be displayed in the [[WorkflowRequests]] Request area.
# '''[[Workflow Task Type: Change Status]]''' tasks change the status of the object that triggered the [[Workflow|workflow]]. There is no messaging on this task type.
# '''[[Workflow Task Type: Create New Activity|Create New Activity]]''' tasks can be used in [[Universal Tracking Application]] workflows to create new Level 2 records.