
Displaying a Number Value as Currency

780 bytes added, 19:58, 24 June 2013
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Therefore, a field containing the value ''300'' can be displayed as follows:
{| border="1"|Variable Used|Value will be displayed as...|-|Organization, Search People|People: internal and external, related companies, standard and custom fields.|-|Communications, Contacts|External people only - limited search capabilities.|-|[[Universal Tracking Application]] > Contact Tab|Same page as the ''Search People'' page.|-|[[Universal Tracking Application]] > Company Tab|Same functionality as the ''Search People'' page, but with companies.|-|Sales Tracking Application > Company Tab|Same page as the Company tab in the [[UTA]]|-|Sales Tracking Application > Contacts Tab|Same page as the ''Search People'' page|-|Sales Tracking Application > My Contacts|Limited to contacts associated with companies where the current user is the owner.|}