
Including Criteria in ReportProperty

26 bytes removed, 21:26, 10 August 2012
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* ''criteria'' is the variable that returns the answer to the ??? in the report referenced by the reportid
'''Example''': * The report with reportid 12345 has [[Prompting for Criteria in Reports|criteria]] on a date field of ">=???" and "<=???"* To generate the number of records in the report with a date range of startdate to enddate: @ReportProperty2(12345,exportdata,,"@year(fullstartdate)@-@month(fullstartdate)@-@day(fullstartdate)@"::"@fullenddate@")@
:<font size=3>@ReportProperty(12345,exportdata,,”criteria1”::”criteria2”)@</font>
:<font size=3>@ReportProperty2(''reportid'',''property'',,"”@criteria1@”::”@criteria2@”)@</font> '''Example'criteria'': * The report with reportid 12345 has [[Prompting for Criteria in Reports|criteria]] on a date field of ">=???" and "<=???"* To generate the number of records in the report with a date range of startdate to enddate: @ReportProperty2(12345,exportdata,,"@fullstartdate@"::"@fullenddate@")@</font>