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// variables_replace() is a Pandora function to process variables from a given object and content
// objectid: ID value of the object that is to be referenced
// Objecttype: 23=UTA level one; 268=UTA level two; 8=UTA level and three; 30=company; 40=user/contact; 78=transaction; 122=UTA Invoices; 5=Sales opportunity
function getWebPageView(objectid) {
var objecttype=268; // id to indicate what kind of object to retrieve custom field from
var content="@custom field name@"; // content storing syntax to get web page view button from the desired object
//var content="@#customfieldid#@"; // OR Use Custom field ID of the web page view
var rs=variables_replace(false,"",objecttype,objectid,content); // Pandora function called to process the web page view button for the given level two
return rs.getfieldbyname(1,"msg"); // returns HTML code for web page view button