
Workflow Properties

29 bytes added, 13:43, 10 November 2011
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Each [[Workflow|workflow]] is constructed using two elements: '''Tasks''' and '''Connectors'''. Within a specific [[Workflow|workflow]] any number of tasks and connectors can be created.
* Tasks define the actions required in the [[Workflow|workflow]] – each represents a single step in the process. Specific [[Role|roles]] or specific [[User|users]] are associated with each task, and these people will be automatically alerted when they need to perform the action defined by that task. These actions are generally used to accept, reject, or request a revision on the associated object, file, [[User|user]] or some [[Application|application]]-specific information.
* Connectors link the tasks together and provide for [[Workflow_Branching_Logic|branching logic ]] based on the [[User|user]] responses to that task.
[[Category:System Management]][[Category:Workflows]][[Category:Applications]]