Pandora - Get Report Data

Function Overview

This function is used to retrieve report data.


Parameter Description
Flag Asynchronous or Synchronous.
Callbackfunc Callback function.
Reportid Id of the report.
Usetemplate 0 - return report data in recordset; 1 - return report with its template, return the same look and feel as if you are running the report normally.
Start The starting record number in query.
End The ending record number in query.


var rs=reportdata_find(false,"",12345,0,0,20); // get report data in a ssRecordSet object with the first 20 records from the report query. You can get the columns using the report column headings (eg. if you have “First Name” as a column heading in the report, you can use rs.getfieldbyname(row,”First Name”) to get the data in that column.

var rs=reportdata_find(false,"",12345,1,0,20); // get report with its template rs.getfieldbyname(1,"rowcount"); // this will return the number of records in the report rs.getfieldbyname(1,"msg"); // this will return the html code for the report generated