Transaction Variables
In order to display a transaction type and its fields use the following example:
Example Code:
[#(?object=transaction;orderby=tbl_1041842.valuestr desc;criteria=typename='Co-Principal Investigor, Co-Applicant, Additional Author') <tr><td>$1041842$</td><td>$1041843$</td><td>$1041844$</td><td>$1041845$</td></tr> #]
To retrieve all Company transactions for the company attached to Level 1 (Standard field - Customer):
To retrieve all Branch transactions for the branch attached to Level 1 (Standard field - Branch):
To retrieve all People transactions for the owner of a Level 1 (Standard field - Owner):
To retrieve the Level 1 transactions at Level 2:
To retrieve the Level 1 transactions at Level 2 by transaction type:
@parent.[#(?object=transaction;criteria=typename='Name of Transaction Type') <tr><td>$fieldid$</td><td>$fieldid$</td><td>$fieldid$</td><td>$fieldid$</td></tr> #]@
Impact: Transactions on the Company and User objects can be displayed in a UTA web page view. The transaction does not have to directly associated with the Level 1 item.
To get the modified date of a transaction use the following:
~trsts~ or ~date_format(trsts,'%Y-%m-%d') as lastmodified~