Tabs (Disambiguation)

Revision as of 17:44, 27 May 2009 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 17:44, 27 May 2009 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

When working within the Applications that are part of SmartSimple, Tabs are often used as the method of navigation between different modules and levels. Some of the Tab menus have sub-menus below them with another selection of Tabs, particularly when working in a Universal Tracking Application.


Menu Bar Tabs

When you are within a UTA the Menu Bar will always be present at the top of the screen. The tabs present will vary depending on your system configuration:


Navigation Bar Tabs

Once you are viewing a Record within a UTA at Level 1, 2 or 3 you will see the Navigation Bar. Again, the tabs present will vary depending on your system configuration:


Most of the tabs on the Navigation Bar are pre-defined within SmartSimple, and are either enabled or disabled by the System Configuration.

It is possible to create your own custom tabs in this section that display Custom Fields that are part of the record being displayed. In the image above the tab called Sample Tab is actually part of the record being displayed.