Custom Field Type: Select One – Combo Box

Revision as of 15:24, 12 May 2009 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 15:24, 12 May 2009 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

Field Display

Edit Mode


View Mode


General Description

Displays as a set of values in a combo box. The user can select a single value. The size of scrolling window is controlled by the Height Setting.

Field Options

  • Display Order: The order (relative to other fields) in which this field is displayed
  • Tab Name: Displays the field under a given tab
  • Field Name: The name of the field, used internally to reference the user's input
  • Caption: The leading question or prologue before the field
  • Allow Empty: This check box allows the field to be left empty
  • Searchable: This field can be searched within the tracking application
  • Track Changes: Keeps track of changes made to this field

Special Options for Field

Values: The values to be used within the combo box, delimited by a semi-colon with no spaces.

Note: If you wish to store a value other than the one displayed you can use the following syntax in the Values section:


The value before the equal sign will be stored. The value after the equal sign is what will be displayed in the combo box, but does not get saved.


  • Enable Map Service: displays the map icon next to the field name that will launch the user’s selected map service and display a map of the content of the field
  • Enable People Search Service: displays the search Internet icon next to the field name that will launch a variety of search services and display the contact details from those services
  • Enable Organization Search Service: displays the search Internet icon next to the field name that will launch a variety of search services and display the organisations details from those services

Field Validation

  • Type: Select Date, Numeric, or Alphabetic validation
  • JavaScript Validation: Here can be entered any specific JavaScript validation for this field
  • Message: Message the user will see if entry fails validation check

Value Stores To

  • Custom Field: Enables linking two different custom fields to the same user data

Field Formatting Options

  • Width: Determines the width of the field
  • Number Format: Formats any numbers entered into this field
  • Style: Bold, Underline, Italic, Highlight
  • Tool Tip: Enter help text to be shown on mouse-over
  • Read Only: Checkbox
  • HTML Tag: Additional attributes to the field HTML tag
  • Visibility Condition: Conditions upon which the field is visible

Role - Field Permissions

These fields allow you to control who is allowed and who is denied viewing and/or modifying the field.


Because the value in this field are restricted to the semi-colon delimited list in the Values field, the Allow Empty field has a slightly different behaviour than usual:

  • If Allow Empty is checked, the first item listed in the Values list will be the default value for the field.
  • If Allow Empty is not checked, the user cannot save the form without selecting a value other than the first item in the list. The first item should be either a space followed by a semi-colon (if you want the field to start out blank) or an instruction to the user such as -----Select One-----; Please choose; or similar.