Template:Annotation Mode

Revision as of 13:25, 27 June 2024 by Ann Vincent (talk | contribs) (Status Settings Explained)

Revision as of 13:25, 27 June 2024 by Ann Vincent (talk | contribs) (Status Settings Explained)


Annotations are a collaborative tool that enables users to add notes and responses directly to specific fields within a record. By using field-level annotations, users can modify particular fields and respond to comments without altering the rest of the record. This article will guide you through utilizing and configuring the annotation collaboration feature as part of an application review process. 


  • You must be a Global Administrator to configure this feature. 
  • The interface and recommended configuration practices for the annotations feature have been updated as part of the July 2024 upgrade.
  • You can only edit the values of a single field at a time using the annotations feature. Validation will only run on the field being modified. Therefore, if you are using dynamic field visibility controls or need to run full validation on the entire form, you may need to exit annotation mode and go to an unlocked status to achieve this.

How Annotations Work

Let's walk through how the annotation feature can be configured as part of an application process involving an applicant, a program manager, and a reviewer.

1. Applicant Submits Application

The applicant enters the required information into a form and submits it.

2. Program Manager Assigns a Reviewer

The program manager assigns a reviewer to the application and advances the application to the next stage.

3. Reviewer Conducts Initial Review and Creates Annotations

The reviewer is notified of their assignment to review the application. In this scenario, the application is not yet ready to be approved or rejected, prompting the reviewer to make field-level suggestions (annotations) for changes or clarifications. The reviewer hovers over and left-clicks the desired field to open a new annotation window. Here, they enter a message asking the applicant to change or clarify something related to this field, and then the reviewer saves the annotation.

(Insert Image: Show new Annotation window)

This process is repeated for all fields requiring changes or clarifications. Once all annotations are added, the reviewer clicks the annotation submission button to send the record back to the applicant.

(Show annotation submission button in annotation mode)

4. Applicant Reviews Annotations, Modifies Values, and Adds Clarifications

The applicant is notified that action is required on their application. The applicant navigates to their application, which opens in Annotation Mode. In Annotation Mode, fields without annotations are locked. The applicant sees a list of annotations in the right panel and can click on any annotation to engage in a specific field-level discussion.

(Insert Image: Show annotation list)

When focused on an annotation, the applicant can click the Reply button to open a modal window, where they can modify the field value and add a clarifying message.

(Insert Image: Show reply button when drilled into an annotation)

Annotations from other users (such as the reviewer) are highlighted in yellow, indicating they may require a response, while annotations you create (as an applicant) are highlighted in blue.

(Insert Image: Show drilled into an annotation with blue and yellow messages)

After responding and modifying field values, the applicant clicks the annotation submission button to move the status forward, triggering a workflow that notifies the reviewer of the changes made.

5. Reviewer Conducts a Subsequent Review and Marks Annotations as Resolved

The reviewer is notified that action is required and navigates to the application. The reviewer evaluates the changes and the applicant's replies. If no further changes or clarifications are needed, the reviewer marks each field-level annotation as resolved.

(Insert Image: Show resolved button on drilled into annotation)

Resolved annotations are indicated with a green check mark, showing no further action is required.

(Insert Image: Show annotation list with an Item marked as resolved)

If all outstanding changes are addressed, the reviewer advances the application using the annotation submission button.

6. Exiting Annotation Mode

Users can exit annotation mode by clicking the close icon (“X”) in the gray box. This may be necessary to access the left navigation or other record-related elements not visible in annotation mode. To re-enter annotation mode, click the "annotation mode" toggle located in the high availability area at the top right of the record.

(Insert Image: Show picture of X to close)

(Insert Image: Show picture of annotation mode toggle)


Below is an explanation of how a Global Administrator could configure the annotations feature to work as described in the scenario above.

User Roles

You will need two roles: a role for the applicant and a role for the person doing the reviewing. Depending on your business process, you may already have two roles you can use or you may wish to create two new roles. If you are creating new roles, you may create these as system or UTA (association) roles depending upon your business process. To create new roles, navigate to the Menu Icon > Roles and Security > User Roles > Click the New Role button (represented by a plus sign). Typically roles created would be called “Applicant” and “Reviewer” or “Internal Staff”.

Annotation Types

Annotation types determine who can make annotations and when. Usually, there are two annotation types: one for the applicant and another for an internal staff member or designated reviewer.

Creating a "Reviewer" Annotation Type

  1. Navigate to Menu Icon > Global Settings > System tab > Annotation Types.
  2. Click the New Type button (represented by a plus sign).
  3. Create an annotation type with the name and caption of either “Reviewer Annotation” or “Staff Annotation” depending on your process and preferred terminology.
  4. Enter a description that states the purpose of this annotation type. For example, you could enter “Used to create field-level annotations by reviewers requesting changes from the applicant”.
  5. Navigate to the Permissions & Availability tab.
  6. For the Allow View field, select both the applicant and reviewer roles. This way both Applicants and reviewers will be able to see both types of annotations on a record.
  7. For the Allow Create field, select just the reviewer role. So only a reviewer can create the reviewer type of annotation.

Create an "Applicant" Annotation Type

  1. Navigate to Menu Icon > Global Settings > System tab > Annotation Types.
  2. Click the New Type button (looks like a plus sign).
  3. Create a type with the name and caption of “Applicant Annotation”.
  4. Enter a description the states the purpose of this annotation type. For example, you could enter “Used to create field-level annotations by the applicant, responding to change requests from a reviewer”.
  5. Navigate to the Permissions & Availability tab.
  6. For the Allow View field, select both the applicant and reviewer roles. This way both applicants and reviewers will be able to see both types of annotations on a record.
  7. For the Allow Create field, select just the applicant role. So only an applicant can create the applicant type of annotation.

Setting up Statuses for Annotations

Status are used to control what happens at different stages of a process such as bringing the user directly into annotation mode and notifying a user that they need to change values on their application. To achieve the above scenario, we are using many statuses within our desired universal tracking application.

Statuses are created by going to the desired Universal Tracking Application > Configuration Settings > Select the desired tab (such as “Level 1 Grant”) > Statuses > Click the New Status button (represented by a plus sign). Enter the desired information and define the availability, permissions, and then click Save.

Below is an explanation of each status and how it was configured:

Name Description Configuration Steps
Draft The grant application is being filled in by the applicant.
  1. Toggle on Is Default Status
  2. Toggle on Is Default Copy Status
  3. Go to the Permissions & Availability tab and under the “Availability” section, select the relevant grant types for the Enable on Grant Types field.
Submitted The applicant has submitted the application and can no longer edit it.
  1. Toggle on Lock On Status
  2. Go to the Permissions & Availability tab and under the “Role Permissions” section, select the “Program Manager” user role for the Override Lock field so they can move the record forward after assigning a reviewer.
  3. Go to the Permissions & Availability tab and under the “Availability” section, select the relevant grant types for the Enable on Grant Types field.
Reviewer Assigned and Notified The reviewer has been notified that the application is ready for review.
  1. Toggle on Lock On Status
  2. Go to the Permissions & Availability tab and under the “Role Permissions” section, select the “Program Manager” user role for the Override Lock field so they can move the record forward 
  3. Go to the Permissions & Availability tab and under the “Availability” section, select the relevant grant types for the Enable on Grant Types field.
  4. Set up a Level 1 workflow to send an email notification to the reviewer by going to Menu Icon > Workflows > Create a new workflow > Set Workflow Object to this UTA and set Trigger On to this status.
Reviewer Annotation Creation The reviewer adds annotations to the grant application, requesting changes and clarifications. They also review the applicant's annotations.
  1. Toggle on Lock On Status
  2. Go to the Permissions & Availability tab and under the “Annotation System Role Permissions” section, select the “Applicant” user role for the View field, select the “Reviewer” user role for the View and Create field, and select both “Applicant” and “Reviewer” user roles for the Open in Annotation Mode field.
  3. Go to the Permissions & Availability tab and under the “Availability” section, select the relevant grant types for the Enable on Grant Types field.
Revisions Requested The applicant is notified. They must change values, reply to annotations, and provide clarity to issues raised.
  1. Toggle on Lock On Status
  2. Go to the Permissions & Availability tab and under the “Annotation System Role Permissions” section, select the “Applicant” user role for the View field as well as the Edit Field input, select the “Reviewer” user role for the View and Create field, and select both “Applicant” and “Reviewer” user roles for the Open in Annotation Mode field.
  3. Go to the Permissions & Availability tab and under the “Availability” section, select the relevant grant types for the Enable on Grant Types field.
  4. Set up a Level 1 workflow to send an email notification to the applicant by going to Menu Icon > Workflows > Create a new workflow > Set Workflow Object to this UTA and set Trigger On to this status.
Applicant Revisions Submitted The reviewer is notified that the applicant has made the requested changes and provided clarity.
  1. Toggle on Lock On Status
  2. Go to the Permissions & Availability tab and under the “Annotation System Role Permissions” section, select the “Applicant” and “Reviewer” user roles for the View field, select the “Reviewer” user role for the View and Create field, and select both “Applicant” and “Reviewer” user roles for the Open in Annotation Mode field.
  3. Go to the Permissions & Availability tab and under the “Availability” section, select the relevant grant types for the Enable on Grant Types field.
    Set up a Level 1 workflow to send an email notification to the reviewer by going to Menu Icon > Workflows > Create a new workflow > Set Workflow Object to this UTA and set Trigger On to this status.
Approved The grant application has been approved.
  1. Toggle on Lock On Status
  2. Go to the Permissions & Availability tab and under the “Availability” section, select the relevant grant types for the Enable on Grant Types field.
Declined The grant application has been declined.
  1. Toggle on Lock On Status
  2. Go to the Permissions & Availability tab and under the “Availability” section, select the relevant grant types for the Enable on Grant Types field.

Status Settings Explained

These settings are found at UTA > Configuration Settings > Level 1 tab > Statuses > Select a Status

Lock On Status

Prevents users from editing the application record and hides any Save and Submit Buttons configured to appear on this status.

Override Lock

Allows a user role to edit a locked record and see the submit and save buttons configured to appear at this status.


Controls which types of applications will have access to this status

Annotation System Roles and Annotation Association Role Permissions

Depending on the business requirements you may choose to use Annotation System Roles (Example: anyone with the system reviewer role has permissions) or Annotation Association Role Permissions (Example: anyone attached to the record as a contact in the UTA role of reviewer has permissions).


Who can see the annotations

View and Create

Who can see create new and reply to annotations

Edit Field

Who can edit the value of the field being annotated

Open in Annotation Mode

Who can see the record in annotation mode by default

Anonymize Creator

Hides the name of the person who added the annotation