General Tips when Creating Custom Fields

Revision as of 11:29, 24 August 2018 by Nancy Sabo (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 11:29, 24 August 2018 by Nancy Sabo (talk | contribs)

  • Save and Save & New – When you create a custom field and wish to start a new field right away without returning to the field list, use the Save and New button. If you are not finished working on a field, but wish to save, click the Save button.
  • Moving quickly through a set of custom fields – if you need to move through a list of fields quickly, use the navigate buttons displayed on the top right of the custom field page.
  • Reordering the field List – if you add fields in between other fields, the order can get confusing. You can reorder the custom field list by using the Re-Order button at the top of the field list.
  • Associating custom fields with multiple roles – if you add fields to multiple roles and associate a user with those roles, the fields will be mixed when displayed as the order will be similar (field order 10 from role one will appear next to field order 10 from role two etc). You can avoid this by reordering the fields in each role with different starting numbers. For role one, start at 1000 and for role two, start at 2000.
  • Associating custom fields with the wrong entity – if you associate fields with the wrong role by accident, use the Export and Import feature to move the fields to the correct entity. This will only work before you start adding information!
  • If you have a Combo box or Select One field with the wrong value – use the Field Data feature to review and change the value. Also, make sure you have added the correct value to the field options!