Revision as of 10:57, 10 April 2017 by Ciaran Donnelly (talk | contribs)
Revision as of 10:57, 10 April 2017 by Ciaran Donnelly (talk | contribs)
The following standard fields are available at Level 2.
Field Name | Description | Associated Variable |
Activity List | Displays list of activities on the Level 2. | not applicable |
Activity Type | Displays the Level 2 Types in a combo box. | @type@ |
Amount | An amount field. | @eamount@ |
Assign Person | Displays a lookup button so internal people can be assigned to the item. If you have the [UTA_Standard_Field_Settings#Auto_Assign|Enable Auto Assign Creator to this field on New Records] setting switched off, then on save the field will be not be automatically populated with the Organization details of the current external user. | @assigned@ |
Assigned Link | Displays links to the assigned people. Clicking the link will display the contact details. Assigned people are always internal people. | not applicable |
Contact Person | Displays a lookup button so external people can be assigned to the item. | @contact@ |
Contacts Link | Displays links to the contact people. Clicking the link will display the contact details. Contact people are always external people. | not applicable |
Created By | Stamp of user name that created the record. | not applicable |
Created Date | Stamp of the date and time that the record was created. | not applicable |
Description | Narrative description. | @description@ |
Duration | Duration in hours. | @span@ |
End Date | Generally represents an end date or milestone. | @enddate@ |
End Time | An end time for a short event. | @endhour@:@endminute@ @endampm@ |
Follow-up | Specifies the number of day or hours after the activity that a message should be sent. This field is displayed as a combo box. | not applicable |
Follow-up Sent | Indicates if the follow-up message has been sent. This field is displayed as two options buttons (Yes = Sent, No = Not Sent yet). If you use this field and change the setting to Yes before the message is due the message will not be sent. | not applicable |
Follow-up Type | Indicates if the message should be sent by quick message (internal to SmartSimple users) or email. You can also specify which group of people should receive the message. This field displays as a combo box. | not applicable |
Last Modified | Shows date/time stamp of when record was last modified. | not applicable |
Location | Indicates a location for the Level 2 item. If you prefix the caption that you give the field with an @ sign, the caption will display a globe icon and the user can look up the location using their selected mapping service. | @location@ |
Owner | Enable Auto Assign Creator to this field on New Records] setting switched off, then on save the field will be not be automatically populated with the Organization details of the current external user. | @owner@ |
Parent Name | The name of the associated Level 1 item. | @parent.name@ |
Reminder | Specifies the number of day or hours before the activity that a message should be sent. This field is displayed as a combo box. | not applicable |
Reminder Sent | Indicates if the reminder message has been sent. This field is displayed as two option buttons (Yes = Sent, No = Not Sent yet). If you use this field and change the setting to Yes before the message is due the message will not be sent. | not applicable |
Reminder Type | Indicates if the message should be sent by quick message (internal to SmartSimple users) or email. You can also specify which group of people should receive the message. This field displays as a combo box. | not applicable |
Start Date | Generally represents a start date. | @startdate@ |
Start Time | Start time of a short event. | @starthour@:@startminute@ @startampm@ |
Status | The status of the Level 2 item. | @status@ |
Subject | A short one line narrative for the Level 2 item. | @subject@ |
Updated By | The name of the user that last updated the Level 2 items. | @updatedbyname@ |
UTA Providers | Adds section to Level 2 items that allows for association of objects from other UTAs with this record. See Configuring UTA Provider/Receiver (Consumer) Relationships for further details. | not applicable |
Whole Day Event | Indicates if the event is a whole day event. | @isallday@ |