Odata Overview

Revision as of 14:48, 22 November 2016 by Michael Reid (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 14:48, 22 November 2016 by Michael Reid (talk | contribs)

What is OData? OData is described in the following article: [1]

How does it work

Smartsimple provide OData V4 services - Can be consumed by OData clients like Excel, MSSQL server,Safeforce, or used as API (.NET has very good support) etc. What SS Entities exposed to OData Services ?     Report Only (however it does not exclude us to expose raw entities like people, organization, Levelone, notes in the future) Why Report Only ? 1. Easier to control security and data format like  fields and fieldname, any end user can perform this task 2. Most clients consume  ready only data anyway 3. Data relationships are handled in SS, external client does not need to understand underlying data relationships 4. Easy to implement as no need to configure  OData service and metadata enpoints(these are required by OData protocol), it is handled by SS report engine automaticaly 5. More flexible as SS user are able to create dummy tables (like SQL views)  by combining tables , applying formulas and aggregrations 6. Filtering ans ordering  are  pre-defined in SS report, eliminate SQL injection vulnerability Where is my OData services endpoint ?  https://mysmartsimpleurl/OData/V4/Services.svc/ How to setup in SS ? 1. Create a new user and set access to "web access" 2. Set a password 3. Edit report in neo builder and enable OData checkBox 4. Done How to connect from Salesforces ?  I will add more details with screen shots How to connect from MSExcel ?  I will add more details with screen shots