Create and Direct Users to Language Specific Login Pages

Revision as of 14:56, 10 March 2016 by Alvin Thompson (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 14:56, 10 March 2016 by Alvin Thompson (talk | contribs)

How.png This article will explain how you can implement this feature for use on your SmartSimple system.



This feature allows for the creation of language specific login pages, and also allows users to a login page in a specific based on a url parameter. A list of language based parameters is included below.

Global Administrator privileges will be required to setup this feature.

URL Parameters and Login Page Language Illustrated

Login pages lang ids.gif

How to implement it

1. Under the configuration tab, click on Global Settings.

2. In the Branding & Terminology section, click on the Login Screen Content hyperlink.

3. At the top of the Login Screen Content page you will see the Language drop down option.


4. Selecting the appropriate language from the list will generate a new login page builder for the selected language.

5. Configure the Login Screen Content to your requirements (including text in the specified language)

6. Click on the Preview button at the bottom of the page to review the content, and click Save when finished to save the Login Screen Content.


  • By default, if the Login Screen is blank (has no HTML or Template data) the a standard login page will be displayed. This standard login works with the language parameters with no configuration.
  • When linking to a language specific login page, add the appropriate language parameter to the login page url to direct the user to the appropriate page.
  • If no parameter is added the user will be directed to the English version.
  • Examples using parameter
English lang=1 -
French lang=2 -

Language Parameter IDs

Language IDs
English 1
French (Canada) 2
Traditional Chinese 3
German 4
French (France) 6
Japanese 7
Finnish 8
Spanish (Ecuador) 9
Vietnamese 10
Russian 11
Turkish 12
Italian 13
Spanish 14
Korean 15
Portuguese 16
Swedish 17
Grorgian 18
XML Tag 99

Also See