UTA Calendar Template

Revision as of 14:48, 26 September 2013 by Arthur Lathrop (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 14:48, 26 September 2013 by Arthur Lathrop (talk | contribs)

The fields and values to be displayed on the calendar can be customized using the UTA Calendar Template

This template supports the web page view variables including sslogic.

Example: Presume a Level 2 Type called Site Visits, and a custom field on that Level 2 Type called Site Location with a custom field ID of 12345.
You can use the following syntax on the "Calendar Fields" section of the Miscellaneous tab of the UTA Settings Page:

<!--@sslogic('@type@'='Site Visits')-->@#12345#@

This will only display the Site Location field (field ID 12345) for Site Visits Level 2 type activities on the Level 1 calendar.

With multiple conditions:

<!--@sslogic('@type@'='Site Visits' and '@statusname@'!='Closed')-->@#12345#@

Will do the same as above, but only if the Status of the Level 2 item is not Closed.

Level 1 fields can be included using @parent.fieldname@

See Also