UTA Standard Field Settings

Revision as of 10:28, 28 June 2013 by Arthur Lathrop (talk | contribs) (Edit Condition)

Revision as of 10:28, 28 June 2013 by Arthur Lathrop (talk | contribs) (Edit Condition)


UTA Standard Fields

The following describes the settings for the Standard Fields found on the UTA Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. These can be configured via the Entity tab of the UTA Settings Page.

  • On the Entity tab, click on the link for "Standard Fields" in the section Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 sections.
  • The following page will be displayed (example shown is Level 1 standard fields):


Adding a field

  • In the left hand list of standard fields, click on the name of the standard field you wish to add.
  • In the right hand standard field detail frame, enter text into the "Caption" field.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the right hand frame and click the Save button.
  • The standard field will now be displayed in your UTA, using the nomenclature you have defined.

Removing a field

  • In the left hand list of standard fields, click on the name of the standard field you wish to delete.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the right hand frame and click the Delete button.
  • You will be prompted with "Are you sure to delete the current field settings?" Click "Yes" if you are sure.


The following settings are available for each standard field.


  • When a new language is selected, you will have the option to enter new values for the Caption, Tool Tip and Validation Messages.



  • All fields with a name in this field have been enabled.

Read Only

  • The Read Only check box prevents the value in the field from being changed by the user.
  • The field can still be updated programmatically through the use of Template / Type Formulas or Browser Scripts.

Track Changes

  • The Track Changes check box enables tracking of any changes made to the standard field.
  • Fields that have "Track Changes" enabled will be displayed with a sundial next to the field name.
  • Users that have been given the relevant Manager Permission will be able to view the field history.


  • The Mandatory check box will ensure that a value has been input into the field before the record can be saved.
  • This validation is not performed when if the Save Draft button (if enabled) is used to save the record.

Tool Tip

  • Allows you to define "mouse-over" help text.
  • When the user hovers their mouse pointer over the caption, the text in the Tool Tip section will appear.
  • See Tool Tip for additional detail.

Validation Message

  • This box is used to control the message that is displayed when the user does not complete a Mandatory field and attempts to save the record.

Visibility Condition

  • Whether or not the Standard Field is visible can be controlled using conditional statements in this box.

Edit Condition

  • Whether or not the Standard Field is treated as read-only or not can be controlled using conditional statements in this box.

Role - Field Permissions

These fields allow you to control by Role who is allowed to view and/or modify the field.

Status - Field Permissions

These fields allow you to control by the Status of the record whether or not the field can be viewed and/or modified.

See Also

Previous.pngStandard Level 1 Field List Status Field Permissions
