Workflow Types

Revision as of 14:27, 21 July 2010 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 14:27, 21 July 2010 by Cameron (talk | contribs)



Workflow Type Enabled On Trigger Termination
Company Company or Branch New or Modified company or Branch N/A
User Company or Branch New or Modified user or contact N/A
File SmartFolder New or Modified file in SmartFolder N/A
Applicant Assignment Always Available Assignment Status Assignment Status
Job Tracking Job in Job Tracking or Applicant Tracking Job Status Job Status
Sales Tracking Opportunity Opportunity Status Opportunity Status
Web Forms Web Form New or Modified Web Form N/A
Universal Tracking Application
Select the name of the relevant UTA
UTA Template Level 1 Status Level 1 Status
Universal Tracking Application
Select the name of the relevant UTA
Single File or Multiple Files Custom Field
Note: Can be at any level within the selected UTA
File upload
Note: Within the workflow set Trigger When to --Deactivate--
UTA Role Assignment UTA Template Contact Assignment at Level 1
(with the Role specified)
Tracking Activities UTA Template Level 2 Status Level 2 Status
Tracking Activity Assignment UTA Template Addition of Level 2 Contact N/A
Tracking Sub-Activities UTA Template Level 3 Status Level 3 Status
Recurring   Activate button on Workflow Deactivate button on Workflow



  • If New is selected the Workflow will only be triggered when a new Company is created.
  • If 'Modified is selected the Workflow will be triggered both when a new Company is created, or an existing Company is modified.
  • Only a single Company workflow can be selected per Company.
  • When a Company is created/modified it will trigger the Workflow on the parent company, as well as that parent's company, and so on...


  • If New is selected the Workflow will only be triggered when a new User or Contact is created.
  • If 'Modified is selected the Workflow will be triggered both when a new User/Contact is created, or an existing User/Contact is modified.
  • Only a single User workflow can be selected per Company.
  • When a User is created/modified it will trigger the Workflow on the parent company, as well as that company's parent company, and so on...

UTA Level 1

  • To create a status-driven Workflow associated with a UTA Level select the name of the UTA as the Workflow Type.
  • Be sure to enable the Workflow on the relevant Template page in the UTA.

UTA File Upload

  • To create a Workflow that is triggered by uploading a file to a Single File or Multiple Files Custom Field select the name of the UTA as the Workflow Type. Select --Deactivate-- as the Trigger When setting.
  • Note: This is the configuration for Single or Multiple File Custom Fields at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.
  • If the file Custom Field is located at Level 2 or Level 3 you can connect this Workflow to a Tracking Activities or Tracking Sub-Activities Workflow Type in order to carry out the Workflow Tasks available at those levels.
  • The Workflow will be triggered if the file is edited using Online File Editing
  • The Workflow is not triggered by file deletions.

See Also