Standard Field Searching in Applicant Tracking

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Revision as of 16:15, 8 January 2008 by Julia Decker (talk | contribs)

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When you first display the applicant list, all applicants are displayed, but the default field is set to first name.


  • The folder list at the bottom right of the page is used to restrict your searching to the folders you select.
  • You will not see any folders listed that you are not permitted to search.

1. Click on the Standard field combo box.


All the standard fields are displayed.

2. Type Peter in the search box.


3. Click the Find button.


Nine applicants are displayed.

This text assumes that Peter was the full first name of the applicant.

4. Type Pet in the search box.


5. Click the Find button.


No applicants are located, as Pet does not exactly match any applicant name.

Using the previous example:


6. Answer the following questions:
