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Revision as of 13:58, 27 June 2022 by Ann Vincent (talk | contribs) (Minor Updates)

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General Details

Upgrade Dates

Public Cloud Production release date: July 21 2022
Public Cloud Backup release date: June 30 2022

Private Cloud Production (Managed Upgrades) release date: July 28 2022
Private Cloud Backup (Managed Upgrades) release date: July 21 2022

Global System Upgrades

The new features listed below are enhancements to the SmartSimple system and will be immediately available to SmartSimple users upon the application of the upgrade to their server:

Major Updates

Added Ability to Make Tab Bar Visible to All Users Based on Role Permissions

Visibility of the Tab Bar will no longer be controlled by both a personal setting and a role-based setting. If a role has permission to see the Tab Bar, users with that role will see the Tab Bar. Previously users with role permission to see the Tab Bar also had to enable the Tab Bar under the user menu before they would see the Tab Bar. To enable tab bar, go to Global Settings > Security tab > System Feature Permissions > Features tab > Enable Tab Bar. 132112 - Add ability to default on the Tab bar for new users

Accessibility Mode No Longer Optional

The option to opt out of accessibility mode has been deprecated. Interface elements in all systems will be keyboard accessible to ensure compliance with accessibility standards. 128832 - Enable Accessibility mode for everyone

Minor Updates

Added Ability to Retain Page Location on Save

Currently when a user saves, the page reloads and the user is brought back to the top of the page. After the upgrade, if a user saves a record page such as Level 1, 2, 3, Organization, User or Template page, then after the page reloads, the system will automatically scroll the page to approximately the user's last location on the page. 122309 - Save Draft Behavior

Added Ability to Add Attachments from Configuration Folders in Email Templates

Global Administrators editing email templates can now add default attachment files from a configuration folder. To see this new feature, go to Menu Icon > Email > Templates tab > Edit or create a template > Default Attachments (Configuration Folder). 124007 - Select Default Attachment for Email Template from Config Folder

Added Ability to Generate PDFs from Workflow Tasks Using a Specific Role

Added the ability for workflow tasks to generate PDFs as a specific role. For example, you could generate a PDF using the external applicant role and the fields included in the PDF would be only the fields users with that role have permission to see. To see this new setting, go to Menu Icon > Workflows > Tasks tab > Edit a task of type Generate PDF File or Generate PDF File Asynchronously > The new setting is called Generate PDF File for. 128740 - Ability to select which role to generate the pdf as

Added Ability to Copy Signup Pages

Added the ability to make copies of Organization and User signup pages. To make a copy of a signup page click the Save As button. In addition, signup pages will also have a new field called Signup Page Name to help distinguish between signup pages. 129584 - Add ability to copy a signup page

Updated Workflow Generated PDFs for Top-Aligned Captions to Stay with Content

Updated system generated PDFs so that any top-aligned caption and their corresponding content is enclosed in the same table row. This will help keep questions and answer copy together in PDFs. 124566 - In system generated PDFs, can captions stay with content

Added Ability to Create Copy Profiles

To see this new feature that allows you to set up predefined profiles for copying records, go to UTA Settings > Level 1/2/3 tab > Copy Profiles. Additionally, you can also set up the ability to copy a Level 1/2/3 object through a workflow on a status change by using a new Task Type of Trigger Copy Profile. 120929 - Improved Copy of Level 1s/2s (Phase II)

Added New Hierarchy Permissions to the User and Organization Security Matrix

Added a new hierarchy permission of Users Under Associated Organizations to the user security matrix and Associated Organizations to the organization security matrix. 126369 - Request for user-organization-association roles on security matrix

On-Demand System Upgrades

The following features are available immediately with the application of the upgrade, but must first be enabled or configured by a Global Administrator:

Major Updates

Enhanced Single Sign-On and Added Role Mapping Updated the single sign-on settings page and included a new section for role mapping. If Role Mapping is set to Enabled, users will be provisioned with all the roles as defined by the assertion attributes and they will be stripped of any roles that they may currently possess that are listed in this setting but were not defined in the assertion attributes. Updates were made to labels, tooltips, and title bars for added clarity. 124791 - SSO to update roles for existing users for a fully federated SSO

Updated Behavior to User/Organization Security Matrix Added a new setting to enable stricter controls for the User/Organization Security Matrix. The default behavior of the system will be to apply any settings selected under the Hierarchy Permission section AND any settings selected under the Category/Role section. Previously, the default behavior would choose one section setting OR the other. To revert to the original security matrix behavior, navigate to Global Settings > Security tab > System Security section > Toggle on Enable Classic Security Matrix Behavior. 136836 - Able to access parent organization despite security matrix permissions

Added Ability to Provide Feedback on Invitations Added ability to allow the user to provide a reason for accepting or declining an invitation from the system. To enable this setting, go to UTA Settings > Level 1/2/3 tab > Invitation Templates > Edit a template > Invitation Templates tab > Toggle on Enable Input for Decline Reason and/or Enable Input for Accept Reason. Under each toggle, there is an additional setting called Make Reason Mandatory which will force the user to provide a reason before they can accept or decline an invitation. To see a list of response reasons from invitees, go to the Invitation tab. If the invitee provided a reason for accepting/declining click the View Reason button. 128237 - Enhancement - Form in the Invitation

Added Setting to Trigger a Workflow for Incomplete E-signature Requests In the event that an e-signature status is canceled, expired, failed, or voided, a new workflow can be triggered to continue the process. For example, you might want to update the level 1 record status if the e-signature request was not completed. To enable this setting, go to the desired Special - Web Page View custom field with Enable E-signature toggled on to see the new setting called Failed to Complete Workflow. 127705 - Adobe Integration Enhancement Request

Updated Media Library UI Updated the look of the Media Library and surfaced the Share and Statistics features. Previously, the share and statistics features could be found if you clicked on the Edit Metadata button. The edit metadata button has now been renamed to Properties. To set permissions on default file availability, go to UTA Settings > Level 1/2/3 tab > Custom Fields > Create or edit a custom field with Media Library enabled > Permissions and Availability tab > Toggle on Allow Public Access to Files. This setting allows you to set whether or not audio or video files uploaded to the Media Library will be shareable by default. To disable access to a single file within the Media Library, go to the desired file in the Media Library, click the Properties button, and uncheck Enable Public Access. 129948 - Media library URL and Statistics improvements

Added a Formula Field to Advanced Data Tables On the Advanced Data Table custom fields, you can now enter a field formula that will run on save and clear of the Advanced Data Table. Fields referenced in the field formula of the Advanced Data Table custom field will have their field values refreshed. For example, you could use the field formula to update the values on the underlying record pages, and those values would get updated right away so the user would not have to click save to see the updated values. To see this field, go to the desired custom field of the type Special - Advanced Data Table. Note: formulas need to be based on SQL syntax. 130741 - Enhancement request for XML (Save on XML popup saves the record as well)

Added Color Settings to the Gantt Chart Type Added new settings to the Gantt chart type to specify color codes by status, type, or subject. To see this setting, go to the desired custom field of type Special - Chart > Set Data Type to Records related to object > Set Chart Type to Gantt. The two new settings are Color Code By and Colors. 135525 - Gantt Chart Colors

Minor Updates

Added New Date Option Added a new date option to render dates with the month name fully spelled out to avoid confusion. Example: January 03, 2022 (mmmm dd yyyy). To view dates in this new format, change your settings located at User Menu > Personal Settings > Regional tab. 128666 - Enhancement Request - Enable Global Date Format

Added Standard Field for Pronouns Added a new user standard field called Pronouns where users can specify their preferred pronouns. To enable this field, go to Global Settings > Users tab > Standard Fields > Pronouns. 128683 - Pronouns Field

Added the Ability to Use an Email Template as the Message Template in Workflow Tasks Previously, you could use an email template to populate the message template in a workflow email task. Once the message template was populated from the email template, there was no longer a connection between the two. If the email template was updated, the message template in the workflow task did not update. We have added an option to use the email template as the message template. This way you can use the same email template in multiple workflows and you can update the template in a single location and all workflows will get updated for easier maintenance. To see this new setting, go to Menu Icon > Workflows > Tasks tab > Edit a task of the Type of Acknowledgement > Message Template tab > Set the Message Type to Email and choose Email Template for Email Type. 126882 - Email templates and workflow email tasks that uses the email template should be connected

Added Ability to Autosave New Records Added a new setting to automatically save the record when opening up a new record page. To enable this setting, go to Global Settings > System tab > Toggle on Automatically Save New Records on Creation. This setting applies to new records of the following types: UTA Level 1/2/3, Users, Organizations, and Transactions. 132929 - Add an option to auto save new records

Added Ability to Update Custom Fields across Versions without Updating the Display Order When copying custom field changes to other versions, we added a new option to skip updating display order in case you wanted to update a field but you do not want to update the display order of that field in all versions. To see this setting, go to UTA Settings > Level 1/2/3 > Custom Fields > Select desired fields > Click Copy to Other Versions. Under If field already exists, select Update. A new toggle will surface called Update Display Order. 133298 - Versioning and Field Order

Added Ability to Download All Attachments in a Record from the Record Added ability to download all attached files from a record with a single click from inside the record. This feature collects the files from upload fields, creates a single zip file and then downloads that zip file just like the Enable File Download feature on list views. To set this feature, go to Global Settings > Security tab > System Feature Permission > Enable File Download from Record. Once this feature is set, you can go to the desired UTA, Organization, or User record and click the Actions menu and select Download Files. 133397 - One-click Download

Added Integration for UK Companies House API for Organization Signup Pages Added support for users who need to lookup organizations using the United Kingdom’s registrar Companies House. To see this option, go to Global Settings > Organization tab > Signup Pages > Create or edit a signup page > General tab > Verification Service. There is now a new option called United Kingdom Companies House (CH). 134018 - Companies House Integration (API)

Added Default Settings for Custom Field Translation Service Added new translation options for text box single and multiple line custom fields. Users who utilize the translation service feature can now set a default language to translate from and to. To see the new settings, navigate to the desired text box custom field and toggle on Enable Translation Service. Enable Field Translation Service must also be toggled on located at Global Settings > System tab. 61319 - Translation Service feature - Allow configuration of default settings within a given field

Added Ability to Add Discussion Board Threads to SmartCards Added the ability to add a discussion board thread to SmartCards. To see this feature, go to Menu Icon > Discussion Board > Click on a Topic. You will now see a list view of existing threads within that topic. Beside each thread, there is now a star button called Add to SmartCard. 122907 - Add Discussion Board thread to SmartCard

Beta Previews

No features are available for beta preview this upgrade.

Notes for Admins