Organization Vetting Services

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OFAC, IRS, CRA and School Checks

SmartSimple provides our Grants and Research funding clients with access to third party government data that either confirms or denies their status as a charity, non-profit, or educational institution. This data can also confirm or deny their presence on watch lists. The table below provides links to the databases and outlines the frequency of updates

Data Sources

Database Update Frequency Notes Link Third Party Provider
OFAC Monthly OFAC refers to the Office of Foreign Asset Control. This acts as a watch list. An organization’s/individual’s presence on this list should prohibit them from receiving funding.
IRS Monthly The IRS maintains the Pub78 as well as a Business Master File database. The Pub78 database contains all non-revoked non-profits that are required to report to the IRS. This does not include revoked organizations nor does it include organizations that are not required to report to the IRS. The Business Master File contains all Exempt Organizations, even those that are not 501(c)(3). Examples of some organization types that may be eligible for grants and donations, but are not present on the Pub78, can be found at N/A
CRA Monthly SmartSimple recieves monthly data from two CRA data sources. The first database is comprised of the most recent publicly available T1030 Registered Charity Information Returns. The second database contains Charities according to their current status. N/A
Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey Data Annually SmartSimple maintains an annual database of all public elementary and secondary schools in the US. N/A

See Also