
Revision as of 14:14, 17 March 2023 by Mark Bridger (talk | contribs) (For Windows, macOS or Linux)

Revision as of 14:14, 17 March 2023 by Mark Bridger (talk | contribs) (For Windows, macOS or Linux)

Supported Web Browsers

The following web browsers are supported by SmartSimple Cloud. For the best experience we suggest using the latest version of Chrome or Safari.

For Windows, macOS or Linux

Chrome two most recent versions
Firefox two most recent versions
Safari two most recent versions
Microsoft Edge two most recent versions
Internet Explorer Version 11†

By the two most recent versions, we are referring to the current version published by the manufacturer excluding beta releases, and the previous version.

†Support for Internet Explorer ended November 2020. Some features are not available in Internet Explorer and Compatibility Mode is NOT supported.

For iOS and Android (mobile)

iOS Safari
Android Chrome

The mobile app supports Android version 6 or later and iOS version 9.3 or later.