Using an HCAI Enabled Form

Revision as of 15:09, 9 January 2008 by Julia Decker (talk | contribs)

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Revision as of 15:09, 9 January 2008 by Julia Decker (talk | contribs)

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1. Click the Assessments tab in the Practice Management System.


2. Click into any assessment.

3. Scroll to the OCF Forms section.


In your instance these forms may be located on a separate tab in the assessment screen.

4. Click the OCF-21 form button.


The OCF-21 form is displayed.


The HCAI Submission button is displayed at the top of the page.


5. Click the HCAI Submissions form.

The HCAI Submissions page is displayed.


This page provides the following functions:

  • Form Selection combo box – you can use this box to submit a different version of the form information. Using this feature requires that you have multiple HCAI enabled forms active in the system.
  • Preview – displays the field list required by HCAI and the values that will be supplied through your previously field mapping.
  • Submit this Form – send the information from this form to HCAI.
  • Previous History – each time this form is submitted it is logged and the history of the forms submission will be displayed in a table.