Custom Field Type: Display - Text

Revision as of 12:52, 19 July 2013 by Arthur Lathrop (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 12:52, 19 July 2013 by Arthur Lathrop (talk | contribs)

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Field Display


General Description

This field is used in two circumstances:

Field Options

Option Description Format
Custom Field ID The unique ID number associated with the custom field. Not Applicable
Field Type The list of available Field Types. @fieldtype@
Field Name The name of the field, used internally to reference the user's input; @fieldname@
Caption  The leading question or prologue before the field. @caption@
Display Order  The order (relative to other fields) in which this field is displayed. @displayorder@
Description Definition and general description of the custom field. Will not be displayed. @description@
  • Enable Multiple Select: Enables users to select multiple values from the listed values.
  • Label Display: Determines the location of the field caption. Options include: Left of Field, Above Field, No Caption, Hide Caption. Note: this option was previously called Label Display. (See examples here.)
  • On New Record: Controls how the field should be displayed until record has been saved once.
    • Always Display: Field will be exposed both before and after the record is saved.
    • Hide on New Record: Field will be hidden until record is saved.
    • Only Show on New Record: Field will be exposed until record is saved, and then it will be hidden. This option is useful for fields that provide instructions for filling out forms before saving.
  • SmartField View - Include or exclude this field from SmartField Views (@SmartFields@) or only display this field for SmartField Views. See SmartField View for further details.

Special Options for Field

  • Default Text: Controls which read-only text is displayed to the user
  • Visibility Condition: See the Visibility Condition Wiki page.
  • Field Permission Matrix: See the Field Permission Matrix Wiki page.
  • Services: When services are enabled, the caption of the field will acquire a dotted underline. The services can be accessed by hovering your mouse over the field caption.
  • Enable Map Service: Enables the map icon Ps10.jpg that will launch the user’s selected map service (configured in Personal Settings) and display a map of the content of the field.
  • Enable People Search Service: Enables the people search icon Searchicon.png that will launch a variety of search services and display the contact details from those services.
  • Enable Organization Search Service: Enables the organization search icon Orgsearchicon.png that will launch a variety of search services and display the organization's details from those services.
  • Value Storage: Enables linking two different custom fields to the same user data. See Value Stores To page.


In this example, the field provides a read only version of another field. See above for field presentation.


Nothing is stored to the database when this field type is used.