Passing Values Using Parameters

Revision as of 14:59, 24 October 2007 by Julia Decker (talk | contribs)

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Revision as of 14:59, 24 October 2007 by Julia Decker (talk | contribs)

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You can create external links using two techniques:

In the context of a specific application by using a custom field:

1. Create a custom field of the type Display Only Field Type. Add the link to that field.

In the context of a portal interface by using a link:

1. Create a Portal shortcut and associate the link with that shortcut.

In either case the link can be web URL or local UNC type link.

Passing Parameters to the Link

You can pass parameters to the link. For URL type links the following syntax would be used:

urltopage?Firstname=@firstname@&lastname=@lastname@&email=@email@&address=@address@&address2=@address2@&phone=@phone@&extension=@uphoneext@&city=@city@&province=@province@&postal=@postalcode@&homephone=@home phone@&companyname=@company name@&employeeid=@employee id@

SmartSimple will replace the variable references (@lastname@ etc) with values derived from the current user session.