Providing a Customized Hyperlink that Redirects the User to a Specific Record

Revision as of 14:14, 6 June 2013 by Arthur Lathrop (talk | contribs) (Step by Step Instructions)

Revision as of 14:14, 6 June 2013 by Arthur Lathrop (talk | contribs) (Step by Step Instructions)

A customized login hyperlink can be created that redirects the user to a specific record after they log in.

Step by Step Instructions

1. Click into the record to which you want the user to be redirected upon login.
2. Ensure you are in edit mode.
3. Take note of the record's URL. An example would be as follows:

Note that the syntax is: ID&matchlist=0&hr=0&companyid=company ID&opportunityid=opportunity ID

4. In a text editing program, re-order the components of the URL and edit it so that it matches the following syntax:

https://@url@/s_Login.jsp?dest=/Apps/app_editopportunity.jsp?nextlevel=1&matchlist=1&companyid=company ID&opportunityid=opportunity ID&appid=application ID

5. For every character to the right of the "dest=", replace the following characters with their HTML analogues:

Replace this character... ...with this
? %3F
= %3D
& %26

The URL in your text editor should now be in the following syntax:

https://@url@/s_Login.jsp?dest=/Apps/app_editopportunity.jsp%3Fnextlevel%3D1%26matchlist%3D1%26companyid%3Dcompany ID%26opportunityid%3Dopportunity ID%26appid%3Dapplication ID

Now, when your user follows the hyperlink above, upon logging in to SmartSimple, they will be directed to the specific record you have determined, using the company, opportunity and application IDs you have specified.

Using Variables to Create a Customized Login Hyperlink for Use in Email Bodies

Frequently, the above syntax is used in the body of SmartSimple emails to create a customized hyperlink to a specific record in a UTA.

The following string, when used in the body of an email template or workflow email body, will create a customized login hyperlink that will bring the user to the specific record the hyperlink is emailed from:


See Also