Criteria Template

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The Criteria Template section on the Report Template tab of the Edit Report Page defines the criteria section of a custom report template containing the prompt(s) for report parameter(s) when report criteria are used.

When the Criteria Template is used, the report parameter prompt does not manifest as a pop-up when the report is run, but remains at the top of the page.

Example: Our report prompts the user for two criteria:


We want to make the Last Name parameter default to the current user's last name.

When we run the report, we see the following criteria prompt:


To show certain buttons on the criteria page, you can reference variables in the Criteria Template:

  • @submitbutton@
  • @exportbutton@
  • @fileexportbutton@

For reports containing multiple criteria, the variable syntax for the different criteria elements is argn where n is the order of the criteria defined in the Report Builder.

  • @arg1.label@ returns the text label of the input
  • @arg1@ returns the input field for the criteria
  • returns the element ID of the input


  • The Criteria template is not rebuilt when the report is rebuilt.

See Also