API Sample Code

Revision as of 18:52, 8 January 2013 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 18:52, 8 January 2013 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

The following are excerpts of SmartSimple Desktop API code written in Microsoft Visual Basic:

Dim ss_param As New SmartComClient.Parameters
Call ss_param.addField("opportunityid", "0")
Call ss_param.addField("companyid", "404091") 
Call ss_param.addField("branchid", "404091") ' 
Call ss_param.addField("opportunitytype", "11642") 
Call ss_param.addField("name", "test01err")
Call ss_param.addField("stageid", "9955") 
Call ss_param.addField("cf_1333618", "name1")
Call ss_param.addField("cf_1333619", "name2")
Call ss_param.addField("cf_1590372", "Txt_ACMAddress1.Text")
Call ss_param.addField("cf_1590373", "Txt_ACMAddress2.Text")
Call ss_param.addField("cf_1590374", "Txt_ACMProvince.Text")
Call ss_param.addField("cf_1590375", "Txt_ACMPostalCode.Text")
Call ss_param.addField("cf_1590376", "DDL_CITitle.SelectedValue")
Dim rtn As Long
rtn = tk.updateTable(sess, "levelone", 123123, ss_param)  '123123 is the applicationid
 If rtn = -1 Then
     MsgBox ("Record Not Updated: " & ss_api.getLastErr)

Option Explicit

Dim SmartSimple As New SmartComClient.Toolkit
Dim Session As SmartComClient.Session
Dim Session2 As SmartComClient.Session
Dim Userid As Long

Private Sub AccessCompanytable_Click()
    Dim CompanyFields As FieldInfos
    Dim Fields() As FieldInfo
    Set CompanyFields = SmartSimple.getFieldsInfo(Session, "companies", 0)
    Fields = CompanyFields.getFieldInfos
    MsgBox "There are " & UBound(Fields) + 1 & " associated with this table"

End Sub

Private Sub AccessContactsTable_Click()
    Dim ContactFields As FieldInfos
    Dim Fields() As FieldInfo
    Set ContactFields = SmartSimple.getFieldsInfo(Session, "contacts", 0)
    Fields = ContactFields.getFieldInfos
    MsgBox "There are " & UBound(Fields) + 1 & " associated with this table"

End Sub

Private Sub AccessUTAlevel1Data_Click()

    Dim SupportRecords As ADODB.recordset
    'check if user login already
    If Session Is Nothing Then
       Set Session = SmartSimple.PromptLogin()
    End If
    If Session Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr
        Exit Sub
 End If

    Set SupportRecords = SmartSimple.GetRecordSet(Session, "levelone", "100073", "name,description", "")
    MsgBox SupportRecords.RecordCount & " Support Tickets in Recordset"
    MsgBox SupportRecords.Fields(0).Value & ": " & SupportRecords("name") & " is the last name in the list"
    MsgBox SupportRecords.Fields(0).Value & ": " & SupportRecords("Name") & " is the first name in the list"
End Sub

Private Sub AddNewContactRecord_Click()
 Dim para As New SmartComClient.Parameters
 'check if user login already
 If Session Is Nothing Then
    Set Session = SmartSimple.PromptLogin()
 End If
 If Session Is Nothing Then
  MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr
  Exit Sub
 End If
 para.addField "userid", 0
'If value is 0, anew record will be added
 para.addField "firstname", "Walter"
 para.addField "lastname", "Zimmerman"
 para.addField "phone", "416.555.1212"
 MsgBox SmartSimple.updateTable(Session, "contacts", para)

End Sub

Private Sub AddNewlevel1_Click()
Dim readOnlyRs As ADODB.recordset
Dim writeableRs As ADODB.recordset
Dim rtn As Long
Set Session = SmartSimple.LoginUser("alias", "SmartSimple.xxx", "userID/e-mail address", "password")
Set readOnlyRs = SmartSimple.GetRecordSet(Session, "levelone", "100073", "name,description", "")
Set writeableRs = SmartSimple.CloneUpdateRecordset(readOnlyRs)

 writeableRs("name").Value = "Test level 1"
 writeableRs("description").Value = "Test Level 1 Description"
 writeableRs("opportunityid").Value = 0

 rtn = SmartSimple.updateTableByRecordSet(Session, "leveline", writeableRs, False)
'False will loop thru whole recordset, tru will process current record only.

End Sub

Private Sub CheckSettings_Click()
    Dim LastLogin As String
    LastLogin = "Alias:" & SmartSimple.getLastLoginToken(Alias) & _
    " URL:" & SmartSimple.getLastLoginToken(URL) & _
    " User Name:" & SmartSimple.getLastLoginToken(UserName)
    MsgBox (LastLogin)
End Sub

Private Sub CreateFieldsInTable_Click()
    Dim CompanyFields As FieldInfos
    Dim Fields() As FieldInfo
    Dim FieldName As String
    Dim I As Integer
    'MS-Word Objects
    Dim FieldTable As Table
    Dim TableColumn As Column
    Dim NoRows As Integer
    Dim Row As Integer
    'Extract fields
    Set CompanyFields = SmartSimple.getFieldsInfo(Session, "contacts", 0)
    Fields = CompanyFields.getFieldInfos
'Create MS-Word table based on number of fields
NoRows = UBound(Fields)
Set FieldTable = ActiveDocument.Tables.Add(Range:=Selection.Range, NumRows:=NoRows, NumColumns:=5)
    For I = 0 To UBound(Fields) - 1
        FieldTable.Cell(I, 1).Select
        Selection.TypeText I
        FieldTable.Cell(I, 2).Select
        Selection.TypeText Fields(I).Name
        FieldTable.Cell(I, 3).Select
        Selection.TypeText Fields(I).FieldType
        FieldTable.Cell(I, 4).Select
        Selection.TypeText Fields(I).ID
        FieldTable.Cell(I, 5).Select
        Selection.TypeText Fields(I).FieldOptions
        Next I
End Sub

Private Sub DisplayError_Click()
    If SmartSimple.getLastErr <> "" Then
        MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr
        MsgBox "No Error Found"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub DisplayLevel2_Click()
  Dim SupportRecords As ADODB.recordset
  Dim SupportActivities As ADODB.recordset
  Dim TicketName As String
  Dim TicketID As Long

Set Session = SmartSimple.LoginUser("alias", "SmartSimple.xxx", "userID/e-mail address", "password")
 Set SupportRecords = SmartSimple.GetRecordSet(Session, "levelone", "100073", "name,description", "")
 TicketID = SupportRecords.Fields(0).Value
 Set SupportActivities = SmartSimple.GetRecordSet(Session, "leveltwo", "100073", "subject,description", "objectid = " & TicketID)
 MsgBox "Number of Actions on the First Ticket: " & SupportActivities.RecordCount

End Sub

Private Sub DisplayUserDetails_Click()
    Dim para As SmartComClient.Parameters

    If Session Is Nothing Then
        Set Session = SmartSimple.PromptLogin()
    End If
    If Session Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr
        Exit Sub
    End If
Set para = SmartSimple.getData(Session, "contacts", 0, "userid,firstname,lastname,phone,rolelist", " email='" & "sampleuser@address.com" & "'")
    If para Is Nothing Then
         MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr
         ' Error return  null object, normally invalid password or wrong url
         ' Storing primary key to a global variable used later for update
         Userid = Val(para.getValue("userid"))
         MsgBox "First Name: " & para.getValue("firstname") & vbCrLf _
         & "Last Name: " & para.getValue("lastname") & vbCrLf _
         & "Phone: " & para.getValue("phone")
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub DownLoadRecords_Click()
Dim Records As String

    'Records = SmartSimple.getDataFile(Session, "contacts", "firstname,lastname,title,phone", "isexternal=0")

End Sub

Private Sub GetCollection_Click()

'check if user login already
    If Session Is Nothing Then
       Set Session = SmartSimple.PromptLogin()
    End If
    If Session Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr
        Exit Sub
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub GetNotes_Click()
Dim Roles As SmartComClient.Roles

Dim assoicate As New SmartComClient.associate

    If Session Is Nothing Then
       Set Session = SmartSimple.PromptLogin()
    End If
    If Session Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr
        Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

Private Sub GetRecordSet_Click()
    Dim ContactRecords As ADODB.recordset
    'check if user login already
    If Session Is Nothing Then
       Set Session = SmartSimple.PromptLogin()
    End If
    If Session Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr
        Exit Sub
 End If

    Set ContactRecords = SmartSimple.GetRecordSet(Session, "contacts", 0, "firstname,lastname,email", "email like '" & "*sampleaddress.com" & "'")
    MsgBox ContactRecords.RecordCount & " Records in Recordset"
    MsgBox ContactRecords("lastname") & " is the last name in the list"
    MsgBox ContactRecords("lastname") & " is the first name in the list"
End Sub

Private Sub Logout_Click()
    If Session Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox "You are not logged into SmartSimple"
                SmartSimple.LogoutOut (Session)
                MsgBox "Logged out"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub NoPrompt_Click()
    Dim Alias As String, _
    ServerURL As String, _
    User As String, _
    Password As String
'All values set in code
    Alias = "alias"
    ServerURL = "alias.smartsimple.xxx"
    User = "userID/e-mail address"
    Password = "password"
    Set Session = SmartSimple.LoginUser(Alias, ServerURL, User, Password)
End Sub
Private Sub PasswordOnly_Click()
    Dim Password As String
        Password = InputBox("Enter Your Password")
        Set Session = SmartSimple.LoginUserWithLastSetting(Password)
End Sub
Private Sub Prompt_Click()
    Dim Parameters As SmartComClient.Parameters
        If Session Is Nothing Then
            Set Session = SmartSimple.PromptLogin()
        End If
        If Session Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr
        Exit Sub
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SessionProperties_Click()
    If Session Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Session not Valid - Please Log in"
        MsgBox "Session Alias: " & Session.Alias & vbCrLf _
        & "Server URL: " & Session.ServerURL & vbCrLf _
        & "User Full Name: " & Session.ss_FullName & vbCrLf _
        & "User Name: " & Session.User & vbCrLf _
        & "UserID: " & Session.ss_UserID & vbCrLf _
        & "Password: " & Session.Password & vbCrLf _
        & "Organisation: " & Session.ss_CompanyName & vbCrLf _
        & "OrganisationID: " & Session.ss_Companyid & vbCrLf _
        & "Root Organisation: " & Session.ss_RootCompanyid, vbOKOnly, "Session Settings"
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub SSLEnable_Click()

    SmartSimple.setSSL (True)

End Sub

Private Sub TwoSessions_Click()
Set Session = SmartSimple.LoginUser("alias1", "SmartSimple.xxx", "e-mail address1", "password1")
Set Session2 = SmartSimple.LoginUser("alias2", "SmartSimple.xxx", "e-mail address2", "password2")

End Sub

Private Sub UpdateUserDetails_Click()
    Dim para As New SmartComClient.Parameters

    If Session Is Nothing Then
        Set Session = SmartSimple.PromptLogin()
    End If
    If Session Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox SmartSimple.getLastErr
        Exit Sub
    End If

 'Update Table
        para.addField "userid", Userid & ""
        para.addField "firstname", "New First Name"
        para.addField "lastname", "New Last Name"
        para.addField "phone", "555-1212"
        If SmartSimple.updateTable(Session, "contacts", para) = -1 Then
        MsgBox "Record Not Updated"
        MsgBox "Record Updated"
        End If
End Sub

See Also