Level 2 Types

Revision as of 18:03, 13 July 2009 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 18:03, 13 July 2009 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

Level 2 Types provide a method of delineating between different types of Level 2 items.

  • Level 2 Types are the equivalent of Templates at Level 1.

You can configure Level 2 Types via the Types link on the Settings page of your UTA:


  • Existing Types are listed on the left of the page.
  • Details of each type are displayed on the right of the page and new types are added to the right of the page.


Type Settings

Each type of Level 2 Entity has the following settings:

  • Name - Display name for the Type.
  • Display Order - The order in which the types are listed in the type combo box.
  • Colour Code - A colour code used to display different types in the list view.
  • Show External - This check box indicates if this type of activity should be shown to external users.
  • Display as Tab - This Type will be displayed on a separate tab in the list of Level 2 activities at the bottom of a Level 1 record.
  • Access Roles - Select the Roles that can create this type of activity.
  • Level 2 Formula - A set of expressions used to calculate values when the Level 2 item is saved. Similar to the Level 1 Template formula. (See Template / Type Formulas)
  • Reminder Settings - The subject and content of the Reminder message. These fields are only applicable if you have included reminder standard fields in your Level 2 Entity.
  • Follow Up Settings - The subject and content of the Follow up message. These fields are only applicable if you have included follow up standard fields in your Level 2 Entity.
  • Restrict Contact Assignment by Contact - Allows you to restrict contact assignment for this Level 2 Type to named contacts.
For example, if the Level 2 Type is "Dissertation Review", and if there are 2 people in your company that look after all dissertation reviews you would specify them here by name so that only they could be assigned to level 2 records of this type
  • Restrict Contact Assignment by Role: Allows you to define which contact Roles can be assigned to this Level 2 Type.
For example, if the Level 2 Type is "Legal Contract", you may wish to specify that only contacts with the role of "Lawyer" can be assigned to records of this type.

Reminder & Follow-up Settings

Reminder n follow up.jpg

  • By default, if there is no owner standard field - as is the case with calendar activities - then the last person to update the activity will be set as the owner.

Reminder n follow up 2.JPG

  • If there is an owner standard field enabled, then the owner will be selected when creating reminders or follow-ups.

Type Custom Fields

You can define Custom Fields that will appear only on the Level 2 records of a given Level 2 Type.

  • To define these fields, click on the Fields button next to the relevant Level 2 Type. Then create the desired custom fields in the normal fashion.
  • The Display Order of the Custom Fields you create on a Level 2 Type works in conjunction with the Display Order on any general Level 2 Custom Fields that have been defined.
For example, if you have a Custom Field on a Level 2 Type with Display order of 15, it would appear between the global Level 2 custom fields with display orders of 10 and 20.

See Also