Variable List

Revision as of 12:40, 18 January 2011 by Brian (talk | contribs) (Changed the now variable to be only for workflows)

Revision as of 12:40, 18 January 2011 by Brian (talk | contribs) (Changed the now variable to be only for workflows)


System Variables

This refers to System Variables defined on the Global Settings page

  • @system.customfieldname@

System-Wide Variables


  • Inserts the current date and time
  • This can be used in most areas where variables are called

Web Page View Variables


  • Inserts the current system date

Universal Tracking Application Variables

Level 1

  • level 1 name field - @name@
  • level 1 type field - @type@
  • level 1 status field - @status@
  • level 1 start date - @startdate@
  • level 1 end date - @enddate@
  • level 1 contact - @contact@
  • level 1 custom field - @customfieldname@
  • Accounts - No variables
  • Activity List - No variables
  • Application Name - @name@
  • Application Template Type - @type@
  • Branch - @branch@
  • Close Date - @closedate@
  • Contacts - No variables
  • Currency - @currency@
  • Customer - @client@
  • Description - @description@
  • End Date - @enddate@
  • End Time - @hour(fullenddate)@:@minute(fullenddate)@
  • Folders - No variables
  • Modified Date - @modifieddate@
  • Owner - @owner@
  • Probability - @probability@
  • Requirement - @requirements@
  • Revenue - @revenue@
  • Start Date - @startdate@
  • Start Time - @hour(fullstartdate)@:@minute(fullstartdate)@
  • Status - @status@
  • Workflow - No variables

Level 2

  • Activity Type - @type@
  • Amount - @eamount@
  • Assigned Links - No variables
  • Assigned People - @assigned@
  • Contact Links - No variables
  • Contact People - @contact@
  • Description - @description@
  • Duration - @span@
  • End Date - @enddate@
  • End Hour (0-23) - @endhour@
  • End Hour (1-12) - @endh@
  • End Hour AM or PM - @endampm@
  • End Minute - @endminute@
  • End Time - @endhour@:@endminute@
  • Event ID - @eventid@
  • Follow-up Days - No variables
  • Follow-up Sent - No variables
  • Follow-up Type - No variables
  • Location - @location@
  • Object ID (Parent system ID) - @objectid@
  • Object Type - @objecttype@
  • Owner - @owner@
  • Parent Name -
  • Reminder Days - No variables
  • Reminder Sent - No variables
  • Reminder Type - No variables
  • Root Company ID - @rootcompanyid@
  • Start Date - @startdate@
  • Start Hour (0-23) - @starthour@
  • Start Hour (1-12) - @starth@
  • Start Hour AM or PM - @startampm@
  • Start Minute - @startminute@
  • Start Time - @starthour@:@startminute@
  • Status - @status@
  • Subject - @subject@
  • Updated By - @updatedby@ -- Displays system ID, not name
  • Updated By Name - @updatedbyname@ -- Displays the name
  • Whole Day Event - @isallday@

Level 3

  • Level 3 uses the same variables as Level 2.

Calling a Level 1 Variable at Level 2

@parent.branch@ or @parent.client@ will be replaced by company name and other fields can be referenced like this:

  • @parent.branch.address@
  • @parent.branch.customfield@
  • @parent.firstname@
  • @parent.lastname@
  • @parent.description@
  • @parent.status@
  • @parent.people.fieldname@ - fieldname will be replaced by the variables listed below for People.

whatever fields available for company object.


  • First name - @firstname@
  • Last name - @lastname@
  • Full name - @fullname@
  • Title - @title@
  • Email address - @email@
  • Phone - @phone@
  • Phone extension - @uphoneext@
  • Company name - @company@
  • Address - @address@
  • Address 2 - @address2@
  • City - @city@
  • Province - @province@
  • State - @state@
  • Country - @country@
  • Postal code - @postalcode@
  • Owner - @owner@
  • Last updated - @modifieddate@
  • Cost - @cost@
  • Cost unit - @costunit@
  • Type - @type@
  • Resource name - @resourcename@
  • Is contact a resource? - @isresource@
  • Prefix - @prefix@
  • Suffix - @suffix@
  • Unique Identifier - @uuid@
This is a system-generated code that is unique to each contact. For example: 6BCC 98SF EFC6 FFFB 270C 606
  • Language - @langname@
The Language selected in the Personal Settings of the contact (i.e.: @me.langid@ or @owner.langid@)
  • Language ID Code - @langid@
1=English;2=French (Canada);3=Traditional Chinese;4=German;6=French (France);7=Japanese;8=Finnish;9=Spanish (Ecuador);10=Vietnamese;

When calling on Level 1 and Level 2 information from a Level 2 Workflow

  • level 1 name field -
  • level 1 type field - @parent.type@
  • level 1 status - @parent.status@
  • level 2 startdate - @parent.startdate@
  • level 2 startdate - @parent.enddate@
  • level 1 contact -
  • level 1 custom fields - @parent.customfieldname@
  • level 2 type field - @type@
  • level 2 status field - @status@
  • level 2 start date - @startdate@
  • level 2 end date - @enddate@
  • level 2 contact - @contact@
  • level 2 custom field - @customfieldname@

Parent can be Company, Level 1, Opportunity or Leads


  • Primary Contact - @primarycontact@
  • Company Name - @name@
  • Address - @address@
  • Address 2 - @address2@
  • City - @city@
  • Province - @province@
  • State - @state@
  • Postal code - @postalcode@
  • Country - @country@
  • Phone number - @phone@
  • Fax number - @fax@
  • Owner - @owner@
  • Website - @website@
  • Custom fields - @customfields@
  • NAIC Code 1 - @naiccode1@
  • NAIC Code 2 - @naiccode2@
  • Last updated - @modifieddate@
  • Last updated by - @updatedbyname@
  • Associates - ?
  • Category custom fields *Cannot use underscore! - Use the field name in @s

Opportunity, Level 1

  • Accounts - No variables
  • Activity List - Is not displaying information properly, according to Wiki call guide
  • Applicants - No information on how to call applicants in Wiki
  • Branch - @branch@
  • Close Date - @closedate@
  • Company field - @company.field@
  • Contacts - @contact.rolename.field@
  • Currency - @currency@
  • Customer - @client@
  • Description - @description@
  • End Date - @enddate@
  • End Time - @hour(fullenddate)@:@minute(fullenddate)@
  • Folders - No variables
  • Opportunity Source - @leadsource@
  • List Job Questions (with combo boxes) - @jobquestions@ Only for opportunities that use the recruiting template
  • List Job Questions (just questions) - @jobquestionsr@
  • List Job Skills - @jobskills@
  • Modified Date - @modifieddate@
  • Number of filled positions - @candidatefilled@
  • Number of open positions - @openpositions@
  • Owner - @owner@
  • Opportunity Name - @name@
  • Opportunity Type - @type@
  • Probability - @probability@
  • Requirements - @requirements@
  • Revenue - @revenue@
  • Start Date - @startdate@
  • Start Time - @hour(fullstartdate)@:@minute(fullstartdate)@
  • Status - @status@
  • Template type number - @templatetype@


  • Status - @status@
  • Campaign - Don’t know
  • Company - @name@
  • Address - @address@
  • Address 2 - @address2@
  • City - @city@
  • Province - @province@
  • Country - @country@
  • Postal - @postalcode@
  • Phone - @phone@
  • Fax - @fax@
  • Web Site - @website@
  • NAIC 1 - Don’t know
  • NAIC 2 - Don’t know
  • First Name - @firstname@
  • Last Name - @lastname@
  • Prefix - @prefix@
  • Suffix - @suffix@
  • Title - @title@
  • (Contact) Phone - @contactphone@
  • Ext. - Don’t know
  • Email - @email@
  • Description - @description@
  • Owner/Owner.field - Don’t know
  • Date Added - @dat_added@

Email Broadcast

  • All standard contact fields
  • All standard company fields
  • @rolename.customfield@
  • @randompassword@ - Generates a new password when sending to user
  • @password@ - Generates a new password when sending to user
  • @username@ - Sends the username
  • @userid@ - Sends the user id


  • First name of contact or lead - @firstname@
  • Last name of contact or lead - @lastname@
  • Full name of contact or lead - @fullname@
  • Title of contact or lead - @title@
  • Email address of contact or lead - @email@
  • Phone number of contact or lead - @phone@
  • Address of contact or lead - @address@
  • City of contact or lead - @city@
  • State/Province of contact or lead - @state@
  • Country of contact or lead - @country@
  • Zip/Postal code of contact or lead - @postalcode@
  • Company name of contact or lead - @companyname@
  • Contact address ? not available for lead - @caddress@
  • Contact city ? not available for lead - @ccity@
  • Contact state/province ? not available for lead - @cstate@
  • Contact country ? not available for lead - @ccountry@
  • Contact postal code ? not available for lead - @cpostalcode@
  • Contact fax ? not available for lead - @cfax@
  • Web site for lead ? not available for contact - @cwebsite@
  • First name of the sender - @senderfirstname@
  • Last name of the sender - @senderlastname@
  • Name of sender company - @sendercompany@
  • E-mail of sender - @senderemail@
  • Phone number of sender - @senderphone@
  • Title of sender - @sendertitle@
  • Current date and time format selected by the user in their personal settings ? long date format - @now@
  • Description field content - @objectdescription@


@rolelist@ provides a list of all the roleids the user belongs to.


Company Categories

@catlist@ lists the roleid of each Company Category the company (Account/Organization) belongs to.


Custom Fields attached to Roles


Variables available for Report criteria

  • @userid@
  • @companyid@

The following variable is used to report on data that is on records in a sub-company @company.childid(x)@ where x is index of children ordered by name (1,2,3,4,5,6....n)

Applicant Tracking Email Template Variables

The following variables are used to create email templates:

Job Fields

  • - Job name.
  • @job.client@ - Associated name of the client.
  • @job.stage@ - Status of the job.
  • @job.closedate@ - Hiring close date of the job.
  • @job.manager@ - Hiring Manger – set on the job page.
  • @job.description@ - Job description.
  • @job.type@ - Template name for this job.
  • @job.startdate@ - Job start date.
  • @job.enddate@ - Job end date – contract only.
  • @job.requirements@ - Job requirements
  • @job.openpositions@ - Number of open positions.
  • @job.applicantfilled@ - Number of hired applicants.
  • @job.branch@ - Internal branch name associated with this job.
  • @job.branch.address@ - Internal branch address 1.
  • @job.branch.address2@ - Internal branch address 2.
  • - Internal branch city.
  • @job.branch.state@ - Internal branch state/province.
  • - Internal branch phone number.
  • - Internal branch country.
  • @job.branch.postalcode@ - Internal branch zip/postal code.
  • - Internal branch web site address.
  • @job.client@ - Client name.
  • @job.client.address@ - Client address one.
  • @job.client.address2@ - Client address two.
  • - Client city.
  • @job.client.state@ - Client state/province.
  • - Client phone number.
  • - Client country.
  • @job.client.postalcode@ - Client zip/postal code.
  • - Client web site.
  • @job.custom@ - Custom field associated with the job template. For example @job.additionalinfo@

Applicant Fields

  • @applicant.firstname@ - First name of the applicant.
  • @applicant.lastname@ - Last name of applicant.
  • @applicant.title@ - Title of applicant.
  • - Email address of applicant.
  • - Phone number of applicant.
  • @applicant.address@ - Address of applicant.
  • - City of applicant.
  • @applicant.state@ - State/Province of applicant.
  • - Country of applicant.
  • @applicant.postalcode@ - Zip/Postal applicant.

Hiring Manager Fields

  • @hiring manager.firstname@ - First name of the hiring manager.
  • @hiring manager.lastname@ - Last name of the hiring manager.
  • @hiring manager.title@ - Title of the hiring manager.
  • @hiring - Email address of the hiring manager.
  • @hiring - Phone number of the hiring manager.
  • @hiring manager.address@ - Address of the hiring manager.
  • @hiring - City of the hiring manager.
  • @hiring manager.state@ - State/Province of the hiring manager.
  • @hiring - Country of the hiring manager.
  • @hiring manager.postalcode@ - Zip/Postal code of the hiring manager.

Sender Fields

  • @senderfirstname@ - First name of the sender.
  • @senderlastname@ - Last name of the sender.
  • @sendercompany@ - Name of sender company.
  • @senderemail@ - Email address of sender.
  • @senderphone@ - Phone number of sender.
  • @sendertitle@ - Title of sender.
  • @now@ - Current date and time format selected by the user in their personal settings - long date format.

Workflow Specific Variables

The following variables can only be used in messages associated with workflows:

  • @objectname@ - Name of the object in the workflow. This could be a file name, user name, company name, or an application name.
  • @originatorname@ - The name of the person that originated the workflow. For example, this value could be the person that added a file to a workflow enabled SmartFolder, or the name of a person that created a new person record.
  • @originatoremail@ - E-mail address of originator.
  • @originatorphone@ - Phone number of originator.

Other Variables

  • @url@ - The URL to the company alias for SmartSimple. For example: – where XXX is the alias created by that company using the Company Setting page. If you wish to display the URL as a link you should type either: http:// or https:// in front of the reference in the instant message or e-mail template. For example: https::// @url@
  • @parentlist@ - The full SmartSimple path to the object.

Spreadsheet Custom Field

The data stored within a cell or range of cells on a Special - Spreadsheet custom fields can be referenced using:


  • Single Cell:
  • Range of Cells:


  • fieldname is the name of the Spreadsheet custom field.

Select One - User Group Custom Field

The details of the members of a group stored within a Select One - User Group custom field can be referenced using the following syntax:

[#(?object=group;id=@fieldname@;) ... #]


  • fieldname is the name of the Select One - User Group field.
  • Replace "..." with the contact variables you wish to display. i.e. ~lastname~

The role the user is assigned within the group can be accessed using ~role~ in the above syntax.

See Also