Pandora - Locate a UTA Level 3 Entity

Revision as of 12:43, 21 July 2010 by (talk | contribs)

Function Overview

This function is used to return a recordset of level 3 items.


Parameter Description
Flag True or false, send synchronously or asynchronously.
Callbackfunc Function to be used after the asynchronous function call.
Fields The field list to be retrieved.
Filter The criteria to apply on the return records.
Order The field to be ordered by for the return records.
Start The index of the first record to be returned from the record set retrieved based on the filter.
End The index of the last record to be returned from the record set retrieved based on the filter.
Prefix Used by system to process fields across multiple entities.


Fields = always the driver for created record set.

Filter = ‘lastname like “y*”’

Order = ‘lastname desc’

Start = 0 to 200 default = 0

End = 200 default = 200

Blank ,’’’’,’’’,


Level ???