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People are always added to some “level’ of the hierarchy, so when you wish to add a new person you must first select the appropriate organisational level.
#REDIRECT [[User#Manually Adding Users]]
1. Click the '''Company''', [[Internal]] [[User|Users]] [[Menu|menu]].
The original person is displayed directly under the "root" organisation name. If you wish to add a new person to the root you click on the root organisation link.
2. Click the '''organisation''' to which you wish to add the person.
3. Click the '''New''', [[User]] [[Menu|menu]].
The '''New User – Quick Entry for Duplication Check''' window is displayed.
First name, last name, email address and phone number will be checked for duplicate entries.
If no potential duplicates are found, then the '''New User''' window is displayed.
The company address has been added to the contact.
==Standard People Fields==
The standard fields used to describe a person are:
* '''First Name''' - First Name of the person.
* '''Last Name''' - Last Name of the person.
* '''Title''' - Business title of the person.
* '''Prefix/Suffix''' - Prefix and suffix of the contact.
** You may restrict the values in the Prefix/Suffix with a combo-box by editing the Prefix/Suffix [[Contact_and_Account_Standard_Fields|standard fields]] and entering a series of allowed values, separated by semicolons, in the ''Prefix Options'' or ''Suffix Options'' setting.
* '''Phone/Extension''' - Direct line for the person and their extension.
* '''E-mail''' - E-mail address. An email address is required to allow a user to log into the system.
* '''Primary Contact''' - Check box to indicate if this person is the primary contact at the organisation.
* '''Organisation''' - The organisation to which this person should be associated. Changing the organisation will “move’ that person to another organisation.
* '''Address''' - Street of the person – if different from their organisation.
* '''Address 2''' - Additional address line
* '''City''' - City address of the person – if different from their organisation.
* '''Province''' - Province address of the person – if different from their organisation.
* '''Country''' - Country of the person – if different from their organisation.
* '''Postal''' - Postal code of the person – if different from their organisation.
1. Complete the [[User|user]] details.
2. Click the '''Save''' button.
Note that new [[Menu|menu]] items are enabled for the [[User|user]].
3. Click the '''View User''' [[Menu|menu]].
==User Duplicate Checking==
In this exercise, you will attempt to create a new [[User|user]] of the same name.
1. Choose the '''New''', [[User]] [[Menu|menu]].
2. Enter the same contact details.
The Possible Duplicates window is displayed.
Possible duplicates are displayed in chronological sequence from the most recently updated to the oldest.
This screen is used to:
'''Combine multiple contact records into a single record.'''
* Missing fields in the primary record are added in sequence from the other records.
* Activities and notes from all records are merged into the primary record.
* The '''Merged''' records are deleted.
'''Delete redundant records.'''
'''If the new record is actually different then you can continue and create the new record.'''
3. Click on the [[User|user’s]] name to cancel the duplicate check and display the [[User|user]] record.
[[Category:System Management]][[Category:View It]]

Latest revision as of 09:26, 18 June 2019