
List View Overview

3,709 bytes added, 17:44, 7 June 2019
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:: [[File:Columns List View.png|800px|border]]
The '''Columns''' tab allows you to visually configure the available columns to a List View. The [[[Standard Fields|standard]] and [[Custom Fields|custom]] fields that you want to be displayed in your list view are defined here. The maximum is 30 columns to a list view, but best practice is to only display up to 10 columns, as otherwise the user will have to scroll back and forth horizontally and it is a less presentable record. You may '''Drag and Drop '''columns to reorder them, and by clicking the '''X '''on the top right of each column you can delete them from the List View. 
List views are highly configurable: you may bring in fields from different areas such as Applicant Fields, Organization Fields, and so on. They will all be displayed underneath the '''Fields '''heading and can be scrolled through. 
By clicking into a cell, you will see the configuration options below.
In this example, clicking into the '''Organization''' cell will highlight the '''Organization''' standard field and open up configurable options for the user to fill in.
:: [[File:List view configuration.png|800px|border]]
{| class="wikitable"
||'''Column Configuration Option'''
||'''Header Caption'''
||This will appear as the column's label.
||'''Content Template'''
This displays the variables for each column's information. Note that multiple standard fields can be added in a single column; the content template will reflect how many fields are in a single column by including the variable for each added field.
'''Tip: '''Do not enter HTML into the content template as that it is a security risk. 
||'''Text Align'''
||You may choose whether you want the text in a column to align on the '''Left, Right, '''or '''Center.'''
||'''Font Colour'''
||Select which font colour you want the column's information to appear in. This is helpful for columns where you would like to draw the user's attention to, such as the amount requested in a grant, or the status of an application
||'''Bold Text'''
Allow the column's information to appear bold.
||'''Show Total'''
Toggle on this option for numerical information in which the column should display a total amount.
||'''Show Open Button'''
This will enable an open button in that column so that the user can open into that record.  
<br />Multiple values can be added in each column. Once you click a field, a new '''left arrow icon''' will appear on the right of the other standard fields. To add another field into one column, select that icon.
In this example, the '''Primary Contact''' is added to the same column as the '''Organization''' name, so that they will appear together in the List View.
:: [[File:Insert to current column.png|450px|border]]
On the right, you will see that the variable for the '''Primary Contact''' will show up in the '''Content Template''' box. To make the Primary Contact information appear below the Organization name, simply format the Content Template that way.
:: [[File:Insert to current column 2.png|360px|border]]
Once you are done configuring your List View, you can select the '''Copy '''button at the bottom of the page in order to copy the List View as a '''System '''or '''Personal View. '''Remember, making your list view a '''System List View '''will allow other users in your SmartSimple copy to use this list view. Making it a '''Personal List View '''will mean that only you have access to it, although you can choose to make it public so that others can view it; further functions, however, cannot be undergone even with a Personal List View that is made public. 
:: [[File:Copybutton for list view.png|250px|border]]
==Contact and Company List Views==