

4 bytes added, 20:44, 6 May 2019
Structure of the portal
===Structure of the portal===
The portal headerThe portal header consists of 3 elements. The : the Logo, the user menu and the main menu.There are also two styles of header , the default and the compact.
[[File:Portal-compact.png|thumb|none|500px|Default and compact headers with elements]]
By default, your system logo will appear in the top left of the header. This logo should be 112 pixels high by approximately 250 pixels wide in PNG format. The width of the logo can vary but the height is constant. Transparent background is recommended for your logo in case you want to have a colored background on your header.
Optionally , you can choose to display an alternate logo by uploading a different logo into a SmartFolder and then choose the SmartFolder option.
You can also specify a different logo from a SmartFolder for each language you support. So, users who speak Spanish can see a different logo than users who speak English.
====User Menu====
If you are using the compact header (recommended) the user menu appears on the far right and will display your name and possibly your photo. The user menu is intended to hold links that pertain to the user , such as updating the user’s profile, the user’s organization, and possibly switching the user’s language.If you create a link here , try to keep the caption to a word or two long , like “Edit Profile” or “My Profile”.
=====User Menu link types=====
This link type can take the user to any page within your system, for example , to go to the dashboards, enter “/iface/dashboard.jsp”. Note, always use relative URLs to ensure links work across servers and to ensure your system functions as expected.
=====Drop Down=====
Use this link type to surface a language drop down on your portal. The user will be able to switch their portal into any language you have enabled. Note, if you choose to support multiple languages , you must also enter translations for your content into the system. For example, you will need to specify the translation for every menu link and section you have added to your portal. You can do this via a language drop down where you configured those assets. In other areas of the system , such as on custom field configuration pages , you will also need to provide a translation for every caption.
=====Change Password=====
This link type is used to surface a SmartFolder in your portal. For example, if you had resources in a SmartFolder such as help documentation , you could add this link to your user menu and the user could go direct to that SmartFolder and open it in the current window, a modal window or a new window.
=====User Profile=====
====Main Menu====
If you are using the compact header (recommended) , the main menu will appear in line with the user menu. You can have three types of content in the main menu. A single page, sections , and sub tabs subtabs, which is are a drop-down menu of links. Essentially you will have a combination of links and drop-down links. Each link will take the user to a location. The main menu is intended to hold links to UTAs or other specific areas of the system.Note : keep in mind the only links that should be in the main menu are the most important links that need to be present all the time. If something does not need to be always visible you may want to make it a shortcut instead. If you do create main menu links, keep the amount of links around 5 or less for usability. More links increase cognitive strain on users so always try to keep portals simple. Also , try to keep the captions of these links to 1 or 2 words.
[[File:Portal-link-subtab.png|thumb|none|500px|Two types of main menu links the page and section or the sub tab]]
====Header style compact====
The compact header style displays everything in a single line. It features consistent interactions, takes up less vertical real estate and looks more modern. We suggest you turn on this system -wide setting , but be aware it will affect all users for all roles. To enable the compact header, go to menu icon > global settings > branding > toggle on Enable Compact header.
[[File:Portal-compact-vs-default.png|thumb|none|500px|Compact header and default header]]
====The body of the portal====
Inside the body of the portal , a page will be displayed. The user clicks a link in the main menu or user menu to change which page is displayed in the body of the portal. The user can also navigate to other pages from inside the page. Inside that page , you will likely have sections. Think of each section as a box or container. Inside each section , you will add content such as a list view, chart, text or shortcuts.
[[File:Portal-section.png|thumb|none|500px|Body of portal and a sample text section]]
====Choosing a layout====
If your main menu or user menu link does not take you to an existing page in the system , then you can create a page by selecting the content type called sections.
You can add a section with the plus button or use the “Add layout” button to create a layout which is an arrangement of sections.
We recommend creating sections in single column as they will render best on all screen sizes and this provides a better experience for people using assistive technology.
Smartstaff, administrator