
Workflows Overview

1 byte removed, 18:03, 7 July 2017
Task Type: Acknowledgement
* Routing: Role - Used to select recipients by role. This list includes all roles configured in the system, alongside the built-in roles that can be used in a workflow:
*:*The Originator role is used to reference the name of the person that started the workflow. This could be the person that submitted an expense claim, added a file to a workflow or added a new employee. *:*The Initiator role is used to reference the name of the person that initiated the current task in the workflow. This refers to the person that approved the current step of an expense claim, or reviewed a document loaded into a workflow enabled Smart Folder. *:*The Owner role is used to reference the user assigned as the Owner of the record. *:*The People role is used to reference the user assigned as the Person on the level one. This role is only available to Level One specific tasks. *:*The Assigned Users role is used to send messaging to users who are in the Assigned field of a Level Two activity. This role is only available for Level Two workflows.
Once the role has been selected the following recipient choices are available:
*:*Let the current user select target user from this role – When the workflow is triggered, the user will be prompted to select recipients from the list of users currently in the role. *:*All Users of this role – The message will be sent to all users in the selected role. *:*Selectable list of users currently in the role – The message is sent to the specific users that are selected.
* Routing: Selected Users: details of the users configured as Recipients in the Role section
Smartstaff, administrator