
Custom Field Type: Special - Advanced Data Table

598 bytes removed, 21:24, 23 December 2016
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'''{{Appear Mandatory''': Used to make the field look like it is required without doing validation. This is used in conjunction with other validation methods such as SmartCheck, Submit Logic or Browser Script.}}
'''{{Track Changes''': Used to log changes to the field e.g. who updated the field when and what was the new and old values.}}
'''{{Enable Builder''': Used to create sections, define rows, columns, formulas and styles in your XML.}}
'''[[KML|{{Enable KML]]''': Used to upload a KML file which is used to display geographic data on a map.}}
'''{{Disable Field from Global Search''': Used to control the display of this field in the global search results.}}
==== Value Storage ====
'''{{Value Storage''': Used to save values to another field on the same entity.}}
=== Example of XML field ===
Smartstaff, administrator