
XML Section Builder

722 bytes removed, 15:33, 27 September 2016
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* ''Input CSS Class:'' Add a CSS class to the input field
* ''Input Attributes:'' Add HTML attributes to the input field (Example: ''name, size'')
* ''Validation Script:'' Script to validate the input field(Example: ''[this]>100'' or ''[this]==[35_Total_Amount]'' or ''[this]. See section below for exampleslength>0'' or ConvertDateStr([this],'@dateformat@') <= "@Date Field@" or [this].split(' ').length<=10)
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;
* ''Validation Message:'' Alert when validation script is not true (Example: ''This value must be greater than 100'')
==XML Validation Examples==
===Total Amount greater than 0===
Specifically for validation of Currency formatted column totals.
Total must be greater than $0.00</pre>
===Date is at least 30 days in the future===
<pre>(datediff('@date(currentdate)@',ConvertDateStr([this],'@dateformat@'),'d')) > ('30') && [this].length>0
Please select a date that is at least thirty (30) days from today.</pre>
===Cell is not empty===
Please provide a value.</pre>
===Default not selected in Combo Box===
<pre>[this]!="Default Combo Box Value"
Please select a value.</pre>
"Default Combo Box Value" should be substituted with the default value you have configured, ex. "Select One"
===Integer greater than 0===
Allow only an integer or if your field on the XML is formatted to display/use a comma.
Smartstaff, administrator