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==See Also==
* [[Adding a Button that Runs a JavaScript]]

Revision as of 17:29, 15 November 2013

System Administrators can create a button that will allow users to create Level 2 records on the fly.


<script language=javascript>
function createNewLevel2(){
<input type="button" class=Button value="Button Label" onClick="createNewLevel2()">


  • appid = the application ID of the in which the Level 2 should be created
  • Button Label should be the text that should show on the button (e.g., "Create New Activity")
  • the other fields should be left exactly as shown:
  • companyid=@companyid@ will associate the organization associated with the Level 1 record on which the button was pressed with the new Level 2 record
  • objectid=@opportunityid@ will link the new Level 2 record to the Level 1 record on which the button was pressed
  • eventid=0 will create a new, blank Level 2 record

This Read Only – System Variables field can then be referenced in a list view:


...on reports...


...or on the Level 1 record itself:


See Also