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Attach a PDF to a Web Page View

113 bytes added, 19:27, 30 September 2009
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You can use the '''ssattach''' function to append one or more PDF documents stored in either a [[Custom Field Type: Link – Single File|Single File Field]] or [[Smart Folder]] to a [[Web Page View Field]].
The attached PDF file(s) will not not visible when viewing the web page in HTML mode, but will be appended when exported as a PDF, saved as a PDF, emailed as PDF or created by a [[Workflow]] as attachment.
* Append a PDF file from a [[Custom FieldType: Link – Single File|custom fieldSingle File Custom Field]] (single file type) called '''attach pdf file'"AttachPDFFile"'' <u>before</u> the current [[Web Page View Field]] page:.
<!--@ssattach(before;@attach pdf fileAttachPDFFile.value@)-->
:* '''Note:''' Don't forget to include '''.value'''

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