

8 bytes added, 18 January
January 25th 2024 (202401.02)
<!-- 157894 - CRITICAL NOW: View Application PDF button no displaying the PDF -->
====Other Changes====
* Added two new custom field settings to help users distinguish between user input and AI-generated content. Some custom fields will have a new toggle called '''Label as AI-Generated Content''' under the display settings. This will display an indicator at the bottom of the field that states the contents of the field are AI-generated. Additionally, "Special - Browser Script" custom fields will have a new toggle called '''Style as AI Button'''. This will stylize the button to be different from other system buttons. To learn more about this and other AI features, read [[AI | our introductory page on AI]].
<!-- 147603 - Presentation of AI Content -->
* Added a new setting to custom fields called '''+AI Directive'''. This setting allows users to parse a block of unstructred unstructured text using named-entity recognition (NER). In addition, any instructions entered into the '''+AI Directive''' field can also be run on demand via a P3 script. To learn more about this and other AI features, read [[AI|our introductory page on AI]].
<!-- 153803 - AI Parser -->
157956 - A11Y inline styles
===January 11th 2024 (202401.01)===