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402 bytes added, 17:26, 6 October 2023
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<pre>;<ssRetiredOptions>old values</ssRetiredOptions>;</pre>
Make sure there is a semicolon ( ; ) before and after that syntax. This is preferred to removing the option as you can still retain values chosen and report on the data without allowing people to choose these options going forward..
In this exercise we are going to modify the Security Matrix.
# Navigate to the “IT Asset Tracker” UTA and click the “Configuration Settings” button or click “Settings” in the breadcrumb.# On the “Security” tab toggle on “Enable Security Matrix”# Click “Save”.# Click the link called “Security Matrix”# For the role “IT Asset Tracker - Access” and under the “Access” column for the row of “Owner” check “View”. For the row of “Person” also check “View”# For the role “IT Asset Tracker - Manager” and the “Access” of “All” check “View”, “Add”, “Edit”, “Delete”, and “Assign”. Do not check the “Deny”.# Click the “Save” button.
Our “Save Draft” button will appear on all statuses except Retired, as we don’t want anyone making changes once an IT asset is retired.
# Navigate to the “IT Asset Tracker” UTA and click the “Configuration Settings” button or click “Settings” in the breadcrumb.# Click on the level 1 “Asset” tab# Click the link called “Submit and Save Buttons”.# Click the “New Submit and Save Button” (+) button# For “Type” choose “Save Draft”# For “Caption” enter “Save”# For “Align to” choose “Left”# For “Available Status” choose the “All” option and then remove the “Retired” option. Click off the input.# Click the “Save” button.
Our process will be linear starting at the status of “Available” to “Assigned” to “In Service” to “Retired”. The record can be sent forward or back one status at a time. To keep the training concise we will only create a few buttons but you can explore creating more buttons later.
# Click on “Asset Submit and Save Buttons” in the breadcrumb or navigate back to the level 1 “Submit and Save Buttons”.# Click the “New Submit and Save Button” (+) button# For “Type” we want to keep it on “Submit”# For “Caption” enter “Move To Assigned”# For “Icon” choose “user” by typing into the search input and select that option.# For “Color” choose “Success” (green)# For “Align to” choose “Right”.# For “Available Status” choose “Available” (this is the status where the button will appear)# For “Submit to Status” select “Assigned” (this is the status the record will go to when the button is clicked)# Click the “Save” button.
We now have a button to move records in the “Available” Status to the “Assigned” Status.
Repeat the above but this time do the following:
# For “Caption” enter “Move To In Service”# For “Icon” choose “Wrench”# For “Color” choose “Success”# For “Align” choose “Right”.# For “Available Status” choose “Assigned”# For “Submit to Status” select “In Service”# Click the “Save” button.
In this way we can create buttons to move our records forward.
Repeat the above but this time do the following:
# For “Caption” enter “Move Back To Assigned”# For “Icon“ choose “Arrow-alt-circle-left”# For “Color” choose “Warning”# For “Align” choose “Center”.# For “Available Status” choose “Servicing”# For “Submit to Status” select “Assigned”# Click the “Save” button.
'''Audience prompt: ''' what can you do if your submit bar is looking cluttered because you have a complex process with lots of submit buttons?
If your submit bar becomes cluttered with too many submit buttons you can define a “Button Group Name” to display several buttons together in a way that saves screen real estate.
We will start by adding a Computer.
# Navigate to the “IT Asset Tracker” UTA, example click the “Menu” icon and then “IT Asset Tracker”# Click the “New Asset” (+) button above the list view.# For “Asset Type” select “Computers”# For “Asset Name” enter “1234”# Leave “Status” as is.# For “Vendor” select “HP”# For “Model” enter “M27fw”# For “Serial Number” enter any random sequence of characters.# For “Warranty Expiration” click into the input with the calendar icon and select the 15th. Alternatively type “10/15/2023” and click enter.# Click the “Save” button we created earlier on the bottom left inside the submit bar.
We have created our first record. In the next exercise we will assign the record to one of the employees we imported earlier.
# For “Assigned To” click the “Lookup” button which looks like binoculars and select any user by clicking on the desired row.# Now click the green “Move To Assigned” submit button on the right side of the submit bar.
We have created a record for a computer IT asset, assigned the asset to a user and moved the status of that record.
In this exercise we will change the fields on the record to be a single column. Single column forms can be filled in faster and people feel more comfortable filling them in. Going single column helps to avoid: skipped fields, data entered into wrong fields, confusion over reading order and they work better with assistive technology.
[Replace with Images below]
To do this we will create standard field containers and then we will have more control over standard field placement on the page.
# Navigate to the “IT Asset Tracker” UTA or click on the “IT Asset Tracker” link in the breadcrumb. Then click the “Configuration Settings” (Gear) button.# Click the level 1 tab called “Asset”# Click the “Standard Fields” link# Click the button called “Generate Display Order” top left under the breadcrumb# Click “Yes”
This has created a custom field that acts as a container for each standard field in our UTA. The Standard Field Containers are seen in the custom field list.
Let's navigate to the custom field list to see them.
# Click on “Settings” in the breadcrumb# Click the level 1 tab called “Asset”# Click the “Custom Fields” link
Now that we have standard field containers we can move the standard fields around on the page just like the custom fields.
Let's ensure all our fields have a unique display order.
# From the custom field list, click the button called “Enable Re-order” (the icon has 3 horizontal lines) which appears below the breadcrumb.# Click the “Re-Index” button.# Click “yes”
Our buttons now have a unique display order with 100 showing at the top of the page and 1000 at the bottom.
In this exercise we will group like information together. This will make it easy for users to navigate or skip to the content they desire. We will use the custom field of the type “Layout – Title Bar” to achieve this goal.
# Navigate to the “IT Asset Tracker” UTA and click the “Configuration Settings” button# Click the level 1 tab called “Asset”# Click the “Custom Fields” Link.# Click the “New Field” (+) button# For “Field Type” under the “Display Control Types” heading, select “Layout - Title Bar”.# For “Field Name” enter “Title_General”# For “Caption” enter “General”# Click “Save”
Add a second title Bar following the steps above but for “Field Name” enter “Title_Details” and for “Caption” enter “Details”.
In this exercise we will move our existing fields under the appropriate title bars we just created. Logically grouping content improves the usability of our forms.
# In the breadcrumb click “Asset Custom Fields” link to go back to the custom field list.# Click the “Enable Re-Order” (3 horizontal lines) button again.# Drag and drop the “General” title bar to the first position (top of the list). Note, if you do not see your new fields you may need to change the number of records displayed on the page which can be done by clicking on the numbers beside the pagination buttons top right.# Now drag and drop the fields in so they appear in the following order
General (Title Bar)
Next we will open the record to see the result of our display order changes.
# Clicking on “IT Asset Tracker” link in the breadcrumb.# Click the “Open” button on the record we created earlier.
We can see our fields are now ordered and grouped under title bars. On the right side of the screen we can see our” Jump To” menu. On long pages you can click those links to scroll to a desired title bar. Optionally you can hide the “Jump To” also called the “Title Bar Navigation” as Menu icon > Global Settings > Branding.
In this exercise we will create an autoloader configuration type of SmartFolder. Then we will upload a file into that folder and the system will automatically create our desired records in our UTA. Optionally you could use the autoloader to update records as well.
# Go to the “menu” icon (9 squares) in the header.# Select “SmartFolders”# Click the “Configuration Folders” tab# Click the “New Folder” (+) button.# For “Folder Name” enter “IT Asset Tracker”# Change the “Folder Type” to “Autoloader/Export Storage”# For “Roles Allowed to View” and “Roles Allowed to Edit” select the role called “IT Asset Tracker - Manager”.# Click the “Submit” button.
'''Audience prompt:''' why is it important to always create a new folder for each Autoloader and permission the folder appropriately?
Creating a folder for each autoloader and setting permissions will reduce the risk of someone accessing the information or accidentally uploading a file that was not intended to be processed (modify existing records and trigger workflows).
In this exercise we are going to create the autoloader that will populate records within our UTA.
# Click on the “Menu” icon (9 Squares) in the header.# Select “Autoloaders”# Click the “New” (+) Button to create a new autoloader configuration.# For “Loader Name” enter “IT Asset Tracker”.# For “Processing Folder” click the “Lookup” button which looks like a pair of binoculars.# Select the “IT Asset Tracker” folder. Note, if you cannot select the folder we just created you probably did not create the right kind of SmartFolder under the “Configuration” tab.# Leave “File Type” as CSV (comma separated value).# For “Record Type” select “IT Asset Tracker”# For “Item” select “Level 1”# Toggle on “Activate”.# Click on the “File Layout” tab.# For “Number of Columns” select “8”# For “Ignore Lines” enter “1” (we are doing this because our external file has a header)# Click “Save”.
Now that we have an autoloader configuration and it is connected to a configuration folder where we can drop an external file with the data we want to import.
In the column labeled “Field” we will choose the custom field that data will go into.
# Inside the Autoloader we created above on the “File Layout” tab. Scroll down to “Column Mapping”.# For the row labeled “1.” in the column labeled “Table Header” enter “Asset Type”.# In the “Field” column select “Type Name”.# For the row labeled “2.” in the column labeled “Table Header” enter “Asset Name”.# In the “Field” column select “Name”.# Follow the table below for the remaining rows:
{| class="wikitable"
! Table Header Caption
! Field to Select
| Status
| Status
| Assigned To
| Person (firstname lastname)
| Vendor
| Vendor (Custom Field ID)
| Model
| Model (Custom Field ID)
| Serial Number
| Serial_Number (Custom Field ID)
| Warranty Expiration
| Warranty_Expiration (Custom Field ID)
Table Header CaptionField To SelectStatusStatusAssigned ToPerson (firstname lastname)VendorVendor (Custom Field ID)ModelModel (Custom Field ID)Serial NumberSerial_Number (Custom Field ID)Warranty ExpirationWarranty_Expiration (Custom Field ID)  # Click “Save”.# Lastly we want to specify the desired behavior. Go to the “Process” tab and scroll down to “Create / Update Options”. For this exercise choose the first option “Update Matching records and create new records if no match is found”.
We have now set up our Autoloader and mapped the data to the desired fields.
We could:
* use the “Ad Hoc Upload” option on the “Process” tab.* navigate to the configuration folder and upload the CSV file there.* use the “Ad Hoc Upload URL” in a portal section or Portal shortcut.
We will use the Ad Hoc Upload option on the “process” tab in this exercise.
# Download the sample data file.# Unzip the file and move the CSV file within the zip file out of the zip file and onto your desktop or some other easily accessible location.# Click on the process tab if you still have the autoloader configuration open. Otherwise navigate to your autoloader by going to Menu icon > Autoloaders > edit the autoloader we called “IT Asset Tracker” > “Process” Tab.# Scroll down to the “Ad Hoc Upload” title bar.# Click the button called “Upload File”# Click the “Browse” (open folder icon) button.# Select the CSV file you saved on your desktop and click the “open”.# Click the “Upload” (it has an up arrow on it) button .# The data in the file will be displayed. Click the “Add to SmartFolder and Autoloader queue” button.# You can close the modal window with the “close” (X) button.
It may take around 10 minutes for the system to pick up the file and create the records. Larger files will take longer.
In this exercise we will create a report that will tell us which IT Asserts have a warranty expiring in the next 30 days. If desired we could share this report with people who do not have access to the IT Asset Tracker UTA. For people who have access to the UTA the same information could be found using a listview which could also be exported ad hoc.
# Click on the “Menu” Icon in the header and select “Reports”# Click the “New Report” (+) button# For “Name” enter “IT Asset Warranties”# Click the “Save” Button.# In the action bar under the header click the “Report Builder” (4 squares icon) button.# Click the “Add Dataset” (+) button.# A modal window will appear. In the select one, scroll down to the “IT Asset Tracker” heading and choose the option below it called “Assets”# Click the “Save” button on the modal window. Which will close the modal window and you will see “Dataset 1” in the left column.# Click the “Dataset 1” box in the left column and you will see a list of fields.# Drag and drop “Asset Name” from the fields area on the left into the column with the header labeled “1”# Drag and drop “Asset Type” into the column with the header label of “2”# Drag and drop “Status” to column “3”# Drag and drop “Warranty Expiration” to column “4”# Click the “Build Report” button looks like a floppy disk and is located in the action bar at the top. The report builder modal window will close automatically.# Click the “Preview” button in the submit bar near the bottom of the screen and you will see a new modal window displaying the IT Assets and the Warranty Expiration of each.
Now lets filter this report to only show IT assets that have a warranty expiring in the next 30 days.
# Click the “Report Builder” (4 squares icon) button located in the action bar.# In the column with the “4” as the label, for the row labeled “Criteria” enter “<=ADDDATE(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY)”. # Click the “Build Report” (floppy disk icon) button, located in the action bar at the top. The report builder modal window will close automatically.# Click the “Preview” button in the submit bar near the bottom of the screen and you will see a new modal window displaying the IT Assets with a Warranty Expiring in the next 30 days. 
Now we can easily see what IT assets will be expiring in the next 30 days.
Optionally we could permission this report and share it with users who do not have access to our UTA.
In this exercise we will create a personal dashboard to easily visualize the data in our UTA such as charting IT Assets by Type.
# Go to the User Menu which is located at the far right of the header (looks like a circle with a letter inside) and select “Dashboards”# Click the “New” button drop down and select “Dashboard”# For “Name” enter “IT Asset Tracker”# Click on the last option to select it.# Click the “Save” button. Which will create the dashboard for this UTA.# Click the “New” button drop down and select “Card”# For “Title” enter “Assets by Type”# For “Type” choose “Chart Pie”# For “Entity” choose “UTA”# For “Record Set” choose “IT Asset Tracker >> Assets >> Default”# For “X-Axis” choose “Asset Type”# For “Y-Axis” choose “Asset Name”# For “Aggregation” choose “Count”# Click the “Save” button.
We can now see Assets by Type. Let's add a second chart to show Assets by Status.
# Click the “New” button drop down and select “Card”# For “Title” enter “Assets by Status”# For “Type” choose “Chart Pie”# For “Entity” choose “UTA”# For “Record Set” choose “IT Asset Tracker >> Assets >> Default”# For “X-Axis” choose “Asset Status”# For “Y-Axis” choose “Asset Type”# For “Aggregation” choose “Count”# Click the “Save” button.
We can now see Assets by Status. Optionally you could add more charts, aggregates and list views to visualize your data in a personalized way.

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