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60 bytes added, 20:01, 11 July 2022
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<!-- 129948 - Media library URL and Statistics improvements -->
[[File:2022-07-ticket-129948-1.png|thumb|none|800px|The buttons of the '''<strong>Media Library''' </strong> are consistently styled. The '''<strong>Share''' </strong> and '''<strong>Statistics''' </strong> buttons are now surfaced on the first level.]]
====Added Ability to Copy Signup Pages====
====Added Ability to Create Copy Profiles====
To see this new feature that allows you to set up predefined profiles for copying records, go to '''UTA Configuration Settings''' > '''Level 1/2/3''' tab > '''Copy Profiles'''. Additionally, you can also set up the ability to copy a '''Level 1/2/3''' object through a workflow on a status change by using a new '''Task Type''' of '''Trigger Copy Profile'''.
<!-- 120929 - Improved Copy of Level 1s/2s (Phase II) -->
===Minor Updates===
====Added Ability to Generate PDFs from Workflow Tasks Using a Specific Role====
Added the ability for workflow tasks to generate PDFs as a specific role. For example, you could generate a PDF using the external applicant role and the fields included in the PDF would be only the fields users with that role have permission to see. To see this new setting, go to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Workflows''' > '''Tasks''' tab > Edit a task of type '''Generate PDF File''' or '''Generate PDF File Asynchronously''' > The new setting is called '''Generate PDF File for'''.
====Added Ability to Update Custom Fields across Versions without Updating the Display Order====
When copying custom field changes to other versions, we added a new option to skip updating display order in case you wanted to update a field but you do not want to update the display order of that field in all versions. To see this setting, go to '''UTA Configuration Settings''' > '''Level 1/2/3''' > '''Custom Fields''' > Select desired fields > Click '''Copy to Other Versions'''. Select '''Update''' for''' If field already exists''' to see the new toggle called '''Update Display Order'''.
<!-- 133298 - Versioning and Field Order -->

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